House Rules - Mudd household constitution

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Postby Priest_Revan » Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:53 pm

Beating hurts, by definition. Inflicting pain onto a child, especially needlessly, is the kind of thing that seperates parents from children and leaves lifelong scarring. There are plenty of forms of discipline that do not involve abuse. You both should know better than to think so lightly of beating a child.
Lol. Everything you just said is the exact opposite of my family:

If you mess up, you get a butt-whoopin'!

Some kids really do need to get a spanking every now and then. Grounding a child or putting them in the corner only does so much...
There is a difference between Abuse and Discipline.
Beating a child for crying when they fall, or dropping crumbs, or playing a game of pretend that you might not agree with is not okay.
The larger words in that earlier quote look like they just mean that you can discipline your child without "spanking" them (or whatever).

I, honestly, don't really care what people do to their kids. It's not my problem.
If you put peanutbutter anywhere on your body, I'll lick it off...


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