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Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:18 am
by LewisTheTank
I am sure some of you are not happy to see me return, but guess what? TOO BAD!
I come back because I am an internet freak, and this forum happened to be one I visited a lot, I'm not here for any other reason.
Well, maybe ONE other reason, but you'll discover THAT soon enough!

:millie: :ozy: :locke: :dragon: :locke: :ozy: :millie:

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:29 am
by sad jazz cantaloupe
not happy to see me return,

Are you kidding me? I was really upset and confused when you just left without warning!

Fritz has since been banned.

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:37 am
by Segovia
Welcome back Lewis! Nah you didn't miss much since you were gone. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:18 am
by Baconsticks
Welcome back Lewis!

I... kinda didn't notice you were gone. Oops.

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:30 am
by Doc Sigma
Fritz has since been banned.
Many times, actually. I think. He seems to keep popping up...

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:20 am
by MuffinSticks
He needs to be put down.

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:37 am
by nickspoon
Fritz has since been banned.
Many times, actually. I think. He seems to keep popping up...
Tell me about it. :/

Welcome back Mr. Tank.

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:06 pm
by LewisTheTank
Somehow I was thinking I would return here, try to log in and find myself removed from the member list! Thank you for not doing so, and thank you for the welcome back!
For anyone interested, my absence had nothing to do with anyone (or anything) here: It was that stupid thing called reality.
I have since beaten many of my obstacles in my path with the same beating Goku gave his opponents. However there are still a few troubling me with persistence.
No matter, I shall indeed overcome!

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:44 pm
by Caoimhin
And who are you exactly? :|

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:56 pm
by LewisTheTank
And who are you exactly? :|
Well, that's a question with two possible answers:
  • A relatively short one
    A really LONG one
:?: Which do you prefer :?:

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:45 pm
by Mattes
I`m for the long one

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:54 am
by sad jazz cantaloupe
  • A relatively short one
    A really LONG one
:?: Which do you prefer :?:
Since you missed the entire time since Caoimhin returned to DC, let me tell you that he will always prefer an extremely long post (preferably without any line breaks) over a short, simplistic one.

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:27 am
by LewisTheTank
  • A relatively short one
    A really LONG one
:?: Which do you prefer :?:
Since you missed the entire time since Caoimhin returned to DC, let me tell you that he will always prefer an extremely long post (preferably without any line breaks) over a short, simplistic one.
(The above pyramid is because I remember everyone likes them!)

Who is LewisTheTank? Simple, really, and I'll even tell you in a form that was suggested to me in the last post! I am what you would call an exception, which I shall explain later. Anyways all the way back to my childhood I was basically alone. Well, that's not entirely true, I wasn't totally alone. There were many that liked to make themselves feel better by ruining my life: Some by bullying me, others by getting me into trouble by framing me. Then there were my parents who abused me. My dad beat me often, and my mother let him, never taking a moment to try and stop him (I think that is also abuse.) Anyways I was placed in foster homes when I was 11, and adopted when I was 15. I stayed with the Orthodox Bishop that adopted me for a couple of years, then started to hitch-hike around the country. I saw things even my own father never saw. But like a good boy I always managed to return home, only to go back out again. I lived on the streets, which is not an entirely true statement when someone says it for no one actually lives ON a street! I stayed in cardboard boxes, in cemeteries, under semi-trailers, and even on top of a roof or two. Now comes the explanation as to why I call myself an exception. Every where I looked, even as a kid, NO ONE actually tried to enjoy themselves. Once a problem came up, they would focus on it and it alone, forgetting how to smile and laugh. That is where I came in. I could take ANY situation and find something about it to create a smile, or even a laugh. This ability kept me alive, both with entertaining people for food, or entertaining myself by making others feel better. (You have NO idea how hard it is to NOT hit the ENTER key!) ANYWAYS, this ability to make smiles and such also got me the chance to stay in some people's homes at times, and even managed to get me a job or two for some spending cash. It also saved my life when I was under attack from some muggers! (They saw my backpack was a nice one and figured I had some cash on me.) They asked for my wallet, and I merely said "I don't have a wallet, but I do have a piece of gum." That actually broke the ice for a little talk, and after about an hour of talking (and still making a mess in my shorts, for they WERE mean and still wanted my money) they actually started to laugh WITH me, even took me out for pizza once they realized who I was, where I came from, and what my life was like. They wanted me to join them, but I'm not a mean person (never was.) Now fast forward a bit to 20ish years ago: I got a chance to make some cash in Florida and took it. ($50 to bust up a driveway. The guy figured it would take me about a week, so put me up in his spare bedroom (WATER BED!) and fed me well. It really only took me 2 days and he was so impressed he let me stay for the rest of the week anyways, gave me the $50, plus another $25 when I finally left!) I have been stuck in Florida ever since. I shall give you a bit more detail as to what is behind the name itself: I am a mushroom (read: "Fun Guy") that likes to have everyone around me enjoy themselves also. I like to write, read, sing and I have even acted once or twice. I have EVEN put on a furry outfit LONG ago (ok, about 18 years ago actually) and made an entire birthday party dance a Congo line with me! I am married but separated, totally under God's protection, always looking for something to smile about, and have once or twice (honestly) experimented with sexuality (before I got to Florida, so more than 20 years ago) where I found out I prefer women (or ladies, females.) I have a GED, some computer knowledge, and an appetite that would even make Goku stand up and take notice! I have 2 cats and that's it. I am also not afraid of questions any more (WAS an issue I needed to resolve, and PART of why I vanished from site when I did.) I love to play games, and have been called "Game Master" several times by people. I honestly can't play EVERY game well, but it's not hard to have fun, even if you don't know all there is to know about a game. (I prefer games that have some sort of educational involvement in them, for example: Sim City or Dune 2000.) I have several email addresses, visit at least 8 forums (each day, when I can.) I visit at least ten times that many websites, play 4 different internet games, and (forgive me for saying it on this forum) LOVE the O&M comics, which is what brought me here to begin with. I think I answered the question, although I could be wrong! Now after all that, I am sure I may have forgotten something, and almost willing to wager created questions! I will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have, as long as they are worded properly and are truly serious. (Any questions that may seem unfit, I will also answer, but remember if you ask a silly question, yada yada yada...)
8) :locke: 8)

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:35 am
by cougartiger
Welcome back, Kotter!

Re: Reality bites, but I'm still alive...

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:42 am
by LewisTheTank
Welcome back, Kotter!
8) :dragon: 8)