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Postby Kles » Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:32 pm

<a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>It's long but we'll understand each other better.

Joined:Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:55 pm
Location:Under the bed

Postby allison » Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:29 am

ABOUT YOU<br>Your full name:: Allison ______ (yeah, so I'm paranoid. Bite me.)<br>Age:: 15<br>Height:: 5'4<br>Natural hair colour:: dark brown<br>Eye colour:: brown<br>Number of siblings:: 2<br>Glasses/contacts?:: contacts, really awesome sheek red glasses at night<br>Piercings:: two in each ear, and in the cartiledge of one ear<br>Tattoos:: nope<br>Braces?:: unfortunately (only a couple more months, though)<br>FAVOURITE<br>Colour:: orange<br>Band:: hmmm. I don't know if I can pick. not really a group, but my favorite artists are Elton John, Billy Joel, and Phil Collins. Oh, and I love Savage Garden, but that's cause I'm a geek. I also love the soundtracks to Wicked and Rent?<br>Song:: Ohhh man. I'm going to have to say Only The Good Die Young by Billy Joel<br>Stuffed animal:: my raccoon, Rocky!<br>Video game:: Not a big video game fan. Prolly the Sims 2.<br>TV show:: Alias and Law and Order (especially SVU)<br>Movie:: Phantom of the Opera!<br>Book:: Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix... or the Power of One. Or the Alanna quartet by Tamora Pierce (yeah, shut up, it's awesome)<br>Food:: smartfood popcorn! but i gave it up for lent. oh, and diet coke, though that's technically not a food. shhh.<br>Game on a cell phone:: BOWLING<br>CD cover:: the one to Modest Mouse's Good News For People Who Love Bad News is pretty awesome.<br>Flower:: white tulips<br>Scent:: vanilla<br>Animal:: I love all domesticated animals. seriously.<br>Comic book:: calvin and hobbes or archie. I LOVE archie.<br>Cereal:: honey bunches of oats<br>Website:: probably livejournal (that is so pathetic.)<br>Cartoon:: Family Guy!<br>DO YOU<br>Play an instrument?:: Yup - piano.<br>Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: I hope not<br>Like to sing?:: I LOVE to sing. Not very well... but I love it.<br>Have a job?:: Eh. On and off babysitting?<br>Have a cell phone?:: Yep <br>Like to play sports?:: Some of them. I like Tennis?<br>Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: not anymore. we don't talk about that.<br>Have a crush on someone?:: ehhhh. kind of.<br>Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: nay, good old USA for me<br>Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: nope - close, though, four. but one is really puny.<br>Have any special talents/skills?:: I'm pretty good at drawing, and I love performing on stage. I'm a pretty good stage actress, but we don't talk about the singing aspect.<br>Excercise daily?:: I go to the Y every Mon, Wed, and Fri<br>Like school?:: Sometimes. I love some subjects, hate others.<br>CAN YOU<br>Sing the alphabet backwards?:: Nope<br>Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: of course?<br>Speak any other languages?:: some spanish<br>Go a day without food?:: nooope<br>Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: haha yes!<br>Read music, not just tabs?:: yes<br>Roll your tongue?:: no, but i've always wanted to<br>Eat a whole pizza?:: probably, if i was hungry enough<br>HAVE YOU EVER<br>Snuck out of the house?:: haha, yes!<br>Gotten lost in your city?:: nay, this town is too small to get lost in.<br>Seen a shooting star?:: NEVER! but almost. i missed it by like a second.<br>Had a serious surgery?:: eh. oral surgery.<br>Stolen something important to someone else?:: nope<br>Solved a rubiks cube?:: i wish<br>Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: haha much too often<br>Cried over a girl?:: yes, but not in a romantic sense. stupid backstabbing mean teenage females.<br>Cried over a boy?:: waaaay too often.<br>Kissed a random stranger?:: does truth or dare at parties count? if not, then no.<br>Hugged a random stranger?:: YES! ohh that was so fun. memories!<br>Been in a fist fight?:: nope<br>Been arrested?:: nope<br>Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: haha yes!<br>Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: nope<br>Swore at your parents?:: all the time... which i suppose is bad.<br>Been to warped tour?:: nay!<br>Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: haha yes! but he slapped me first. JUSTIFIABLE KICKAGE.<br>Been in love?:: not yet<br>Been close to love?:: yes<br>Been to a casino?:: nope<br>Ran over an animal and killed it?:: no, THANK GOD<br>Broken a bone?:: yep, my thumb<br>Gotten stitches?:: nope<br>Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: haha no! but that sounds like fun.<br>Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: erlack, i hate milk.<br>Made homemade muffins?:: nope!<br>Bitten someone?:: haha yes, but i was young<br>Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: yes!<br>More than 5 times?:: maybe. I think about five.<br>Been to niagra falls?:: never<br>Burped in someones face?:: haha yes, it was very ladylike<br>Gotten the chicken pox?:: yeppers<br>WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU<br>Brushed your teeth:: this morning (ew. i now feel the need to go brush my teeth.)<br>Went to the bathroom:: eh, hour or so ago<br>Saw a movie in theaters:: Phantom... a couple weeks ago<br>Read a book:: Haha, yesterday!<br>Had a snow day:: last monday<br>Had a slumber party:: a couple years<br>Tripped in front of someone:: OH! that time in the hall, in like november<br>Went to the grocery store:: last week?<br>Got sick:: i actually currently have a cold<br>Cursed:: haha, like five minutes ago. I'm going to hell. (Oh, there I go again.)<br>PICK ONE<br>Fruit/vegetables:: fruit<br>Black/white:: white<br>Lights on/lights off:: on<br>TV/movie:: TV<br>Car/truck:: car<br>Body spray/lotion:: spray<br>Cash/check:: CASH.<br>Pillows/blankets:: blankets<br>Headache/stomach ache:: headache (then I can sleep it off.)<br>Paint/charcoal:: charcoal. I can't control a paint brush as well.<br>Chinese food/mexican food:: chinese!<br>Summer/winter:: summer<br>Snow/rain:: snow<br>Fog/misty:: misty, it's prettier<br>Rock/rap:: rock, definitely. I like the sound of fingernails on the chalkboard more than rap.<br>Meat/vegetarian:: mmm, steak<br>Boy/girl:: boy<br>Chocolate/vanilla:: chocolate<br>Sprinkles/icing:: sprinkles<br>Cake/pie:: CAKE<br>French toast/french fries:: french fries<br>Strawberries/blueberries:: strawberries<br>Ocean/swimming pool:: ocean, as long as it's not cold<br>Hugs/kisses:: kisses<br>Cookies/muffins:: cookies<br>p33n/bewbz:: p33n, please?<br>Wallet/pocket:: wallet. my wallet is SO CUTE.<br>Window/door:: window<br>Emo/goth:: emo<br>Pink/purple:: pink<br>Cat/dog:: both! i can't choose.<br>Long sleeve/short sleeve:: long sleeves<br>Pants/shorts:: pants<br>Winter break/spring break:: winter... christmas!<br>Spring/autumn:: spring!<br>Clouds/clear sky:: clear<br>Moon/mars:: moon<br>FRIENDSHIP<br>Do you have a best friend?:: yes.<br>Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: I dated my best (guy) friend once. That didn't turn out so well.<br>Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: about equal, actually.<br>Have you ever lost a friend?:: I've lost many friends, for numerous reasons.<br>Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: yes!<br>Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: cone stold bitch!<br>Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: yes<br>Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: Um. I have no idea. I guess that makes me a bad friend, no?<br>Do you miss any of your old friends?:: Sometimes.<br>What friend have you known the longest?:: Ted.<br>Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: Kind of...<br>If so, what is it?:: I suppose I regret fighting with friends, but then when I think about it it wasn't something I neccesarily did, but our general disagreement over numerous things. So I guess I don't regret anything.<br>How often do you spend time with your friends?:: A lot.<br>Do any of your friends drive?:: Yep!<br>Has a friend of yours ever died?:: No, but my little sister's friend did.<br>Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: Oh man. Like 10 of us went running through the woods butt naked when we were in like.. fifth grade. And then I got dared to hump one of the powerline poles so I did, but I got a big splinter in my stomach and had to pull it out myself cause I was scared to tell my mom.<br>What do you think your friends think of you?:: very loud, but very entertaining and i'm very loyal.<br>Have you ever been in love?:: no.<br>If you have, with who?:: no one? close, kind of, with this one boy. but no one.<br>Are you single?:: yes (but like I said, we don't talk about that)<br>Are you in a relationship?:: nooope<br>If so, for how long?:: la la, i'm not answering this<br>Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: yes.<br>What is your idea of the best date?:: sitting up all night talking and laughing.<br>What was your first kiss like?:: haha, truth or dare. it was horrible. but my first real kiss was actually really awesome. <br>How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: 8th grade, so 13.<br>Do you think love is a load of shit?:: no!<br>Whats the best experiance you've ever had with the opposite sex?:: my (ex)boyfriend took me on a walk in the woods behind his house and he had this little spot set up by this little stream and it was so adorable. <3<br>If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: yes. <br>Have you ever been dumped?:: ugh. unfortunately.<br>Have you ever dumped someone?:: yep.<br>WORD ASSOCIATION<br>Slippers:: warm<br>Hat:: head<br>Hard:: ass<br>Free:: style<br>Space:: bubble<br>Taste:: clothes<br>Good charlotte:: ew<br>Red:: stop<br>Deep:: ocean<br>Heart:: love<br>Cord:: guitar<br>Cheese:: mouse<br>Rain:: puddle<br>Work:: out<br>Pedal:: bike<br>Head:: (you don't want to know.)<br>Bed:: tired<br>Fluff:: fluffernutter<br>Hardcore:: silly gothic chillens<br>Race:: history<br>Knife:: slice<br>Jump:: up<br>I....<br>am:: comfortable<br>want:: moooney<br>need:: moooney<br>crave:: to watch law and order<br>love:: that boy who we don't talk about. uggggh.<br>hate:: that boy we don't talk about.<br>did:: way too much today<br>feel:: emotionally exhausted<br>miss:: see love/hate.<br>am annoyed by:: the fact that my arm itches<br>would rather:: be watching law and order<br>am tired of:: obsessing over said boy.<br>will always:: be female?<br>SILLY STUFF<br>What is your favourite genre of music?:: I like ANYTHING but rap.<br>What time is it now?:: 7:18 PM<br>What day is it?:: ugh. Monday.<br>Whens the last time you called someone?:: yesterday<br>How much money do you have right now?:: broooke!<br>Are you hungry?:: nope, just ate<br>Whatcha doin?:: filling this out?<br>Do you like parades?:: they're boring<br>Do you like the moon?:: yes<br>Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: haha yes!<br>If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: just that... magical power. like.. i could make things happen. like sabrina the teenage witch without those silly rules.<br>Have you ever had a picnic?:: yes<br>Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: YES<br>What about sock em boppers?:: YES<br>Are you wearing any socks right now?:: nope, but slippers<br>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE<br>funny?:: heh<br>pretty?:: (we don't talk about this either)<br>sarcastic?:: si, si<br>lazy?:: haha yeeeah.<br>hyper?:: er, yes.<br>friendly?:: almost the time<br>evil?:: not on purpose?<br>smart?:: kind of<br>strong?:: i wish<br>talented?:: not really<br>dorky?:: not particularly<br>ASSOCIATE THESE WORDS WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW (or dont know)<br>high:: christie<br>skip:: peter<br>dance:: robin<br>lonely:: that girl from law and order last night. the one that was born a boy but no one ever told her.<br>pen:: .. pen?<br>flower:: robin<br>window:: ROBIN! when i threw the rocks<br>psycho:: grayson, cause i watched that movie with her<br>brain freeze:: T!<br>orange:: kirsten<br>sassy:: meggles<br>jelly:: pearl!<br>FOR OR AGAINST<br>suicide:: against<br>love:: for<br>drunk drivers:: against<br>airplanes:: for?<br>war:: against<br>canada:: sure?<br>united states:: for, excluding george w. i'm-going-to-shoot-him-in-the-face bush.<br>rock music:: for<br>gay marriage:: for<br>school:: for<br>surveys:: why not, they're fun<br>parents:: generally for, except when they suck<br>cars:: for!<br>killing:: against<br>britney spears:: veeeery much against.<br>coffee:: FOR. I would die without it.<br>pants:: for<br>WOULD YOU EVER<br>Sky dive?:: YES!<br>Play strip poker?:: haha yes, I have before<br>Run away?:: not now - but i did once<br>Curse at a teacher?:: heh, yes<br>Not take a shower for a week?:: haha, yes, but i wouldn't like it much.<br>Ask someone out?:: ehhh. depends on the person.<br>Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: nope.<br>Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: yes<br>Go scuba diving?:: YES.<br>Write a book?:: yes<br>Become a rockstar?:: yes<br>LAST QUESTIONS<br>What shampoo do you use?:: Brilliant Brunette<br>Whens the last time you did something with the opposite sex?:: Did Something? January. hung out? today.<br>What kind of computer do you have?:: Eell! <3<br>What grade are you in?:: 10th<br>Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: hahahahah yes<br>Or just make out?:: haha, yuuup.<br>How many posters do you have in your room?:: deux<br>How many cds do you have?:: tons<br>What time is it now?:: 7:29 PM<br><br>I love those, and I was bored.

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Postby GhostWay » Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:34 am

It's things like this that make me think that this board could use text-hiding tags, such as the [LOG], [SPOILER] and [PICTURE] tags over at <a href='' target='_blank'>Myst/Uru Obsession</a>.<br><br>Ah, but now I'm just complaining.
<i>Hold the newsreader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.</i>

Joined:Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:55 pm
Location:Under the bed

Postby allison » Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:37 am

Ohhh, quiete (no that's not spelt wrong, it's in spanish. cay-uh-tay.)! Stop complaining, GW. <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo-->

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Miles E Traysandor
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Postby Miles E Traysandor » Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:36 am

You may all read the full details of my vastly boring and dis-appointing life... <!--emo&<_<--><img src=' ... ns/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo--><br><br>Your full name:: Great Parralel Cauldron Anthro Collander Foxy Fandangle "Miles" Traysandor Vulpine (the Ninth). Real name is a closely guarded secret. Sorry. <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>Age:: Almost 22<br>Height:: 6'2<br>Natural hair colour:: brown<br>Eye colour:: blue<br>Number of siblings:: ZERO!<br>Glasses/contacts?:: neither<br>Piercings:: I dislike piercing. Hence, 0<br>Tattoos:: nope<br>Braces?:: nope (could use them though)<br>FAVOURITE<br>Colour:: sky blue<br>Band:: Maroon5?<br>Song:: Too many personal favorites to list, IMO <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>Stuffed animal:: None, but I'd <i>really</i> like to have a Tails PLushie :3<br>Video game:: Right now... Hmm, Doom. More specifically Super Sonic DooM<br>TV show:: Whose Line is it Anyway?<br>Movie:: The Fox and the Hound I guess =/<br>Book:: I don't read enough books to really know.<br>Food:: Pizza and Chili Dogs!<br>Game on a cell phone:: None<br>CD cover:: None<br>Flower:: Don't know.<br>Scent:: vanilla<br>Animal:: Foxes <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>Comic book:: Calvin and Hobbes... or Ozy and Millie if I could afford them.<br>Cereal:: Anything that costs less than $1.99 <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>Website:: Ozy and Millie <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo-->.<br>Cartoon:: Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>DO YOU<br>Play an instrument?:: Nope<br>Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: Consider me lucky if I watch more than sixty <b>SECONDS</b> of television a week.<br>Like to sing?:: I LOVE to sing. Not very well... but I love it.<br>Have a job?:: Two jobs. One at a local full service gas station, the other at a discount retail outlet. The latter sucks.<br>Have a cell phone?:: NO!<br>Like to play sports?:: I wish I could.<br>Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: The Red Sox Curse may be reversed, but my Curse Lives On.<br>Have a crush on someone?:: Yeah....<br>Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: nay, good old USA for me<br>Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: nope - close, though, four. but one is really puny.<br>Have any special talents/skills?:: None that can really be applied to real life right now.<br>Excercise daily?:: Does walking at work count?<br>Like school?:: Haven't been in schol for two years now.<br>CAN YOU<br>Sing the alphabet backwards?:: Nope<br>Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: No<br>Speak any other languages?:: some spanish<br>Go a day without food?:: nooope<br>Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: If i really wanted to....<br>Read music, not just tabs?:: No?<br>Roll your tongue?:: Yep<br>Eat a whole pizza?:: Probably, if I was hungry enough<br>HAVE YOU EVER<br>Snuck out of the house?:: No....<br>Gotten lost in your city?:: Once maybe. I do live in a city of 100,000... Most likely to happen if I'm on the other side of the river or the other side of downtown.<br>Seen a shooting star?:: NEVER! but almost. i missed it by like a second.<br>Had a serious surgery?:: Nope<br>Stolen something important to someone else?:: nope<br>Solved a rubiks cube?:: No<br>Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: A few times. Mostly I put jeans on though<br>Cried over a girl?:: Yeah....<br>Cried over a boy?:: NO.<br>Kissed a random stranger?:: NO!<br>Hugged a random stranger?:: No!<br>Been in a fist fight?:: nope<br>Been arrested?:: nope<br>Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: haha yes!<br>Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: nope<br>Swore at your parents?:: I generally don't... at least not in their faces anyway<br>Been to warped tour?:: NO.<br>Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: No.<br>Been in love?:: See my Curse Response.<br>Been close to love?:: That depends....<br>Been to a casino?:: nope<br>Ran over an animal and killed it?:: No, though I've had a close call once.<br>Broken a bone?:: One in my right foot and two in my right arm.<br>Gotten stitches?:: Left knee. skinned right off during second grade. Permanent scar now visible there.<br>Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: Not yet<br>Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: Not yet.<br>Made homemade muffins?:: nope!<br>Bitten someone?:: Probably.... when I was younger though.<br>Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: No<br>More than 5 times?:: No.<br>Been to niagra falls?:: No<br>Burped in someones face?:: Yep.<br>Gotten the chicken pox?:: yeppers<br>WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU<br>Brushed your teeth:: Yesterday evening. (I get bad about it at times)<br>Went to the bathroom:: eh, hour or so ago<br>Saw a movie in theaters:: Constantine. Two weekends ago, pretty decent movie.<br>Read a book:: Does audio books count? If not then probably a year.<br>Had a snow day:: Eighth Grade I think.<br>Had a slumber party:: Decades ago?<br>Tripped in front of someone:: Not anytime recently.<br>Went to the grocery store:: Two Days Ago.<br>Got sick:: Several months ago. I'm generally a very healthy guy.<br>Cursed:: Couple of hours ago.<br>PICK ONE<br>Fruit/vegetables:: fruit<br>Black/white:: Black<br>Lights on/lights off:: on<br>TV/movie:: Movie<br>Car/truck:: car<br>Body spray/lotion:: spray<br>Cash/check:: CASH.<br>Pillows/blankets:: blankets<br>Headache/stomach ache:: headache<br>Paint/charcoal:: Paint.<br>Chinese food/mexican food:: Mexican<br>Summer/winter:: summer<br>Snow/rain:: Rain<br>Fog/misty:: misty<br>Rock/rap:: rock<br>Meat/vegetarian:: mmm, steak<br>Boy/girl:: girl<br>Chocolate/vanilla:: Both! XD<br>Sprinkles/icing:: Icing<br>Cake/pie:: CAKE<br>French toast/french fries:: french fries<br>Strawberries/blueberries:: strawberries<br>Ocean/swimming pool:: Swimming Pool<br>Hugs/kisses:: kisses<br>Cookies/muffins:: cookies<br>p33n/bewbz:: Neither.<br>Wallet/pocket:: wallet.<br>Window/door:: window<br>Emo/goth:: Neither<br>Pink/purple:: purple<br>Cat/dog:: Neither<br>Long sleeve/short sleeve:: long sleeves<br>Pants/shorts:: pants<br>Winter break/spring break:: winter... christmas!<br>Spring/autumn:: spring!<br>Clouds/clear sky:: clear<br>Moon/mars:: Mars<br>FRIENDSHIP<br>Do you have a best friend?:: yes.<br>Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: Yep<br>Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: Definately Guy friends.<br>Have you ever lost a friend?:: I've lost many friends, mostly due to moving<br>Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: yes!<br>Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: I dont know<br>Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: yes<br>Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: Um. I have no idea. I guess that makes me a bad friend, no?<br>Do you miss any of your old friends?:: Sometimes.<br>What friend have you known the longest?:: Good question. Depends on what qualifies.<br>Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: Kind of...<br>If so, what is it?:: I suppose I regret fighting with friends....<br>How often do you spend time with your friends?:: I don't have any r/l frineds really... So sad <!--emo&:(--><img src=' ... ns/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>Do any of your friends drive?:: No....<br>Has a friend of yours ever died?:: No<br>Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: No comment?<br>What do you think your friends think of you?:: You mean I have a real friend? =o.o=<br>Have you ever been in love?:: Meh.<br>If you have, with who?:: I am cursed damnit!<br>Are you single?:: Yes, AND I LOATHE IT!!!!!!<br>Are you in a relationship?:: No!<br>If so, for how long?:: 0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 seconds.<br>Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: Yeah -- Someone for everyon but me.<br>What is your idea of the best date?:: A date I can actually GET.<br>What was your first kiss like?:: Not applicable.<br>How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: Not applicable<br>Do you think love is a load of shit?:: Yes. Everyone has it but me.... I constantly get messed up with by the system. Damn my horrid luck.<br>Whats the best experiance you've ever had with the opposite sex?:: Not applicable<br>If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: <span style='font-size:30pt;line-height:100%'>NO.</span><br>Have you ever been dumped?:: Technically....<br>Have you ever dumped someone?:: Not applicable<br>WORD ASSOCIATION<br>Slippers:: Fuzzy<br>Hat:: hat<br>Hard:: Love<br>Free:: Impossible<br>Space:: Nonexistant<br>Taste:: Food<br>Good charlotte:: What?<br>Red:: stop<br>Deep:: (No comment)<br>Heart:: Disintegrated<br>Cord:: Fishing?<br>Cheese:: mouse<br>Rain:: Umbrella<br>Work:: Sucks<br>Pedal:: bike<br>Head:: (you don't need to know.)<br>Bed:: tired<br>Fluff:: fluff<br>Hardcore:: sex?<br>Race:: Rat<br>Knife:: slice<br>Jump:: up<br>I....<br>am:: <br>want:: Love and moooney<br>need:: Love and moooney<br>crave:: Love<br>love:: Something that doesn't exist in my life<br>hate:: not loving.<br>did:: way too much today<br>feel:: emotionally exhausted<br>miss:: see want/need<br>am annoyed by:: My stuck going nowhere fast situation<br>would rather:: be in love<br>am tired of:: TAKEN YOUNG WOMEN!!!!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH DAMNIT!<br>will always:: be single probably <!--emo&<_<--><img src=' ... ns/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>SILLY STUFF<br>What is your favourite genre of music?:: I like ANYTHING but rap.<br>What time is it now?:: 8:23 PM<br>What day is it?:: ugh. Monday.<br>Whens the last time you called someone?:: Last month?<br>How much money do you have right now?:: Not nearly as much as I'd like<br>Are you hungry?:: nope, just ate<br>Whatcha doin?:: filling this out?<br>Do you like parades?:: they're boring<br>Do you like the moon?:: yes<br>Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: What?<br>If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: One that can get me things I've always wanted.<br>Have you ever had a picnic?:: No<br>Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: No<br>What about sock em boppers?:: No<br>Are you wearing any socks right now?:: Yes<br>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE<br>funny?:: I definately can be when in the mood<br>pretty?:: Mayyybe.<br>sarcastic?:: Plenty. Got it from my dad.<br>lazy?:: Hell yeah!<br>hyper?:: Yep... eheheheheh.... <!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src=' ... /ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> <br>friendly?:: Most of the time<br>evil?:: When I'm in the mood for it<br>smart?:: When I want to be<br>strong?:: i wish<br>talented?:: not really<br>dorky?:: not particularly<br>ASSOCIATE THESE WORDS WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW (or dont know)<br>high:: Nobody<br>skip:: Nobody<br>dance:: Nobody<br>lonely:: ME!!!!!<br>pen:: .. pen?<br>flower:: Nobody<br>window:: Bill Gates<br>psycho:: Nobody<br>brain freeze:: Nobody<br>orange:: Garfield<br>sassy:: Nobody<br>jelly:: <!--emo&:blink:--><img src=' ... /blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>FOR OR AGAINST<br>suicide:: against<br>love:: for<br>drunk drivers:: VERY against<br>airplanes:: for<br>war:: Against<br>canada:: For<br>united states:: for, excluding George Idiot Bush.<br>rock music:: for<br>gay marriage:: for<br>school:: for<br>surveys:: why not, they're fun<br>parents:: generally for, except when they suck<br>cars:: for!<br>killing:: against<br>britney spears:: veeeery much against.<br>coffee:: Against. I like tea much better<br>pants:: for<br>WOULD YOU EVER<br>Sky dive?:: YES!<br>Play strip poker?:: Sure, as long as some half decent looking ladies are present.<br>Run away?:: Meh.<br>Curse at a teacher?:: No<br>Not take a shower for a week?:: Been there, done that, bought the T-Shirt.<br>Ask someone out?:: If I ever work up the courage to.....<br>Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: That depends.<br>Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: Sure<br>Go scuba diving?:: YES.<br>Write a book?:: yes<br>Become a rockstar?:: No<br>LAST QUESTIONS<br>What shampoo do you use?:: Head & Shoulders<br>Whens the last time you did something with the opposite sex?:: Never?<br>What kind of computer do you have?:: Dell<br>What grade are you in?:: Not Applicable<br>Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: No<br>Or just make out?:: I WISH.<br>How many posters do you have in your room?:: 0<br>How many cds do you have?:: Enough<br>What time is it now?:: 8:35 PM
This signature may spontaneously combust at any given moment. Make sure there's a fresh can of gasoline handy.

Remember, call in the next ten minutes to recieve your Absolutely Free Official Llewellyn Inaction Figure! [Shipping, Handling, and resulting Dragon Conspiracies not included]

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Postby The_Sparrow_ » Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:26 am

Your full name:: Timothy Peter Jessop AKA Septimus Asrial Sparrow<br>Age:: 18<br>Height:: 182cm that's 6 foot for all you horrible imperial measurement people<br>Natural hair colour:: Dark Borwn<br>Eye colour:: Hazel<br>Number of siblings:: 0<br>Glasses/contacts?:: nuh uh<br>Piercings:: nope<br>Tattoos:: none<br>Braces?:: Need 'em but don't have 'em <br>FAVOURITE<br>Colour:: Red or Scarlet<br>Band:: None<br>Song:: Dunno, there's too many that I like.<br>Stuffed animal:: A stuffed cat my grandmother half made me (she never got around to giving it a nose or a mouth <!--emo&<_<--><img src=' ... ns/dry.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='dry.gif' /><!--endemo--> )<br>Video game:: Kingdom Hearts<br>TV show:: Almost any cartoon or comedy<br>Movie:: None<br>Book:: Any of the "His Dark Materials" books<br>Food:: Bread that is too hot to hold<br>Game on a cell phone:: none<br>CD cover:: none<br>Flower:: Nightshade<br>Scent:: Rain<br>Animal:: Bird, Cats, Lizards, Bats, Rodents<br>Comic book:: dunno<br>Cereal:: Don't eat it<br>Website::<br>Cartoon:: way WAY too many to list.<br>DO YOU<br>Play an instrument?:: nope<br>Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: probably<br>Like to sing?:: I sound like I have barbed wire down my throat.<br>Have a job?:: Yes, at the Auckland Planetarium<br>Have a cell phone?:: Yes<br>Like to play sports?:: No preference<br>Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: No but it would be nice<br>Have a crush on someone?:: No<br>Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: New Zealand<br>Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: 3<br>Have any special talents/skills?:: dunno<br>Excercise daily?:: I walk around a lot<br>Like school?:: It's ok<br>CAN YOU<br>Sing the alphabet backwards?:: No<br>Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: there are people that can't?<br>Speak any other languages?:: Other than one's live invented?<br>Go a day without food?:: not a chance<br>Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: yes<br>Read music, not just tabs?:: no<br>Roll your tongue?:: yes<br>Eat a whole pizza?:: Don't really like pizza<br>HAVE YOU EVER<br>Snuck out of the house?:: No but I doubt anyone would stop me if I tryed<br>Gotten lost in your city?:: not seriously<br>Seen a shooting star?:: Many times<br>Had a serious surgery?:: Thankfully no<br>Stolen something important to someone else?:: no<br>Solved a rubiks cube?:: NO!!!!!! grrrrrrr<br>Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: Yes<br>Cried over a girl?:: No<br>Cried over a boy?:: No<br>Kissed a random stranger?:: No O.o?<br>Hugged a random stranger?:: No<br>Been in a fist fight?:: No<br>Been arrested?:: No<br>Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Several times<br>Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: I think I did this once.<br>Swore at your parents?:: define swear....<br>Been to warped tour?:: what's that?<br>Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: No on purpose<br>Been in love?:: Maybe....<br>Been close to love?:: Dunno<br>Been to a casino?:: No, but I have made bets before<br>Ran over an animal and killed it?:: Heck no!!!<br>Broken a bone?:: No<br>Gotten stitches?:: No<br>Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: I've had waterfights but not with balloons<br>Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: my have done that with water<br>Made homemade muffins?:: No<br>Bitten someone?:: Don't think so<br>Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: Nup<br>More than 5 times?:: not even once<br>Been to niagra falls?:: never<br>Burped in someones face?:: a few times<br>Gotten the chicken pox?:: yep<br>WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU<br>Brushed your teeth:: This morning<br>Went to the bathroom:: an hour ago<br>Saw a movie in theaters:: a few months ago<br>Read a book:: Reading "The Bellmaker a Tale of Redwall" right now<br>Had a snow day:: It doesn't snow this far north<br>Had a slumber party:: Nope<br>Tripped in front of someone:: Yep<br>Went to the grocery store:: Yesterday<br>Got sick:: A few years ago <!--emo&:blink:--><img src=' ... /blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo--> <br>Cursed:: Define cursed...<br>PICK ONE<br>Fruit/vegetables:: Fruit<br>Black/white:: White<br>Lights on/lights off:: off<br>TV/movie:: TV<br>Car/truck:: Car<br>Body spray/lotion:: Spray<br>Cash/check:: Cash<br>Pillows/blankets:: Blankets<br>Headache/stomach ache:: Headache<br>Paint/charcoal:: Charcoal<br>Chinese food/mexican food:: Chinese<br>Summer/winter:: Summer<br>Snow/rain:: Rain<br>Fog/misty:: Mist<br>Rock/rap:: Rock<br>Meat/vegetarian:: Vegetarian<br>Boy/girl:: Girl (I'm a boy if anyone didn't know that)<br>Chocolate/vanilla:: Vanilla<br>Sprinkles/icing:: Sprinkles<br>Cake/pie:: Neither<br>French toast/french fries:: French Fries<br>Strawberries/blueberries:: Neither<br>Ocean/swimming pool:: Ocean<br>Hugs/kisses:: Hugs<br>Cookies/muffins:: Neither<br>p33n/bewbz:: coherant english<br>Wallet/pocket:: pocket<br>Window/door:: Window<br>Emo/goth:: Neither<br>Pink/purple:: Purple.<br>Cat/dog:: Cat<br>Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Short <br>Pants/shorts:: Pants<br>Winter break/spring break:: Summer it's longer in these parts.<br>Spring/autumn:: Spring<br>Clouds/clear sky:: Clear <br>Moon/mars:: Moon<br>FRIENDSHIP<br>Do you have a best friend?:: Not really<br>Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: Maybe<br>Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: Girls<br>Have you ever lost a friend?:: Yes<br>Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: No<br>Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: None<br>Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: Not really<br>Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: Dunno<br>Do you miss any of your old friends?:: Oh yeah<br>What friend have you known the longest?:: [cencored]<br>Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: yes<br>If so, what is it?:: not going to say....<br>How often do you spend time with your friends?:: Whenever<br>Do any of your friends drive?:: yep<br>Has a friend of yours ever died?:: no<br>Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: Can't recall, Most of the dumb things I do are solo opperations<br>What do you think your friends think of you?:: Probably that I'm weird and too quiet<br>Have you ever been in love?:: I though this was asked already?<br>If you have, with who?:: dunno if I have been or not<br>Are you single?:: yes<br>Are you in a relationship?:: with myself (no, now get your mind out of the gutter!)<br>If so, for how long?:: 18 years<br>Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: I don't really <b>believe</b> anything<br>What is your idea of the best date?:: Something involving a lot of chaos<br>What was your first kiss like?:: never kissed or been kissed<br>How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: x<br>Do you think love is a load of shit?:: not really<br>Whats the best experiance you've ever had with the opposite sex?:: Just hanging out with friends of the oppisite sex<br>If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: no<br>Have you ever been dumped?:: no<br>Have you ever dumped someone?:: no<br>WORD ASSOCIATION<br>Slippers:: warm<br>Hat:: feather<br>Hard:: rock<br>Free:: money<br>Space:: white<br>Taste:: nice<br>Good charlotte:: !@#$<br>Red:: Fire<br>Deep:: Ocean<br>Heart:: eerr... blood?<br>Cord:: rope<br>Cheese:: yellow<br>Rain:: wind.<br>Work:: star<br>Pedal:: MEHTUL<br>Head:: behead<br>Bed:: soft<br>Fluff:: cotton<br>Hardcore:: [mind is blank]<br>Race:: sprint<br>Knife:: blade<br>Jump:: up<br>I....<br>am:: weird<br>want:: power<br>need:: food and shelter (obviously<br>crave:: sigh... love I guess<br>love:: being weird<br>hate:: stupid people<br>did:: stuff<br>feel:: meh<br>miss:: money<br>am annoyed by:: Idiots<br>would rather:: rule the universe<br>am tired of:: idiots<br>will always:: be weird<br>SILLY STUFF<br>What is your favourite genre of music?:: Rock.<br>What time is it now?:: 3:17pm<br>What day is it?:: Tuesday<br>Whens the last time you called someone?:: Dunno<br>How much money do you have right now?:: $2.45<br>Are you hungry?:: No<br>Whatcha doin?:: This test thingy here<br>Do you like parades?:: Don't care<br>Do you like the moon?:: I guess<br>Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: I said it twice and laughed....<br>If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Immortality<br>Have you ever had a picnic?:: Not since I was little<br>Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: Those what?<br>What about sock em boppers?:: eh?<br>Are you wearing any socks right now?:: I hardly ever where socks or shoes unless I have to go out for a while<br>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE<br>funny?:: At times<br>pretty?:: Dunno<br>sarcastic?:: ooooooh yeah<br>lazy?:: oooooooooooooh yeah<br>hyper?:: at times<br>friendly?:: despite appearances yes<br>evil?:: a bit by my own standards (by religious standards I'm the devil encarnate)<br>smart?:: I think so<br>strong?:: sorta<br>talented?:: sorta<br>dorky?:: hmmmm... A little<br>ASSOCIATE THESE WORDS WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW (or dont know)<br>high:: No one<br>skip:: No one<br>dance:: no one<br>lonely:: No one<br>pen:: no one<br>flower:: no one<br>window:: no one<br>psycho:: no one<br>brain freeze:: no one<br>orange:: no one<br>sassy:: no one<br>jelly:: no one<br>FOR OR AGAINST<br>suicide:: Against<br>love:: For<br>drunk drivers:: Against<br>airplanes:: For<br>war:: Against unless it's just wargames<br>canada:: For<br>united states:: For but it needs some work<br>rock music:: For<br>gay marriage:: For<br>school:: For<br>surveys:: For<br>parents:: For (the word for has lost all meaning now)<br>cars:: For<br>killing:: Against<br>britney spears:: Against<br>coffee:: For<br>pants:: don't care<br>WOULD YOU EVER<br>Sky dive?:: yes<br>Play strip poker?:: yes<br>Run away?:: yes though I'd rather not<br>Curse at a teacher?:: doubt it<br>Not take a shower for a week?:: Been there done that<br>Ask someone out?:: I'm not the going out type<br>Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: maybe but I don't like to<br>Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: yes<br>Go scuba diving?:: yes<br>Write a book?:: maybe<br>Become a rockstar?:: maybe<br>LAST QUESTIONS<br>What shampoo do you use?:: whatever is cheapest<br>Whens the last time you did something with the opposite sex?:: dunno<br>What kind of computer do you have?:: a grey one<br>What grade are you in?:: first year uni<br>Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: no<br>Or just make out?:: not really<br>How many posters do you have in your room?:: one of a galaxy<br>How many cds do you have?:: a few<br>What time is it now?:: 3:26pm
Name's Timon Rustfur, call me Squeak.

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Dr. Doog
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Postby Dr. Doog » Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:53 am

<a href=' ... tml#cutid1' target='_blank'>mine</a><br><br>it might have some stuff not apropriate for the board, which is why I just linked it.
pants jesus
DCS should've ended the comic a year or two ago.

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Postby Arloest » Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:12 am

Your full name:: Angela Scarlet White<br>Age:: 20.<br>Height:: 5'10".<br>Natural hair colour:: Brown.<br>Eye colour:: Brown<br>Number of siblings:: 3.<br>Glasses/contacts?:: Glasses sometimes, never when photographed.<br>Piercings:: Ears<br>Tattoos:: Whoever's phone number I write on my arm with pen.<br>Braces?:: Never.<br>FAVOURITE<br>Colour:: Turquoise.<br>Band:: Dimmu Borgir, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, Metallica.<br>Song:: Lacuna Coil - Comalies<br>Stuffed animal:: None.<br>Video game:: Video games are crap.<br>TV show:: Seinfeld!!!!!<br>Movie:: Miss Congeniality<br>Book:: 1984<br>Food:: Any time of potato chip.<br>Game on a cell phone:: Space Dudes<br>CD cover:: Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Europhic Misanthropia (Just kidding, never google for it)<br>Flower:: Flowers die.<br>Scent:: Gasoline<br>Animal:: Wolves and snakes<br>Comic book:: Calvin and Hobbes.<br>Cereal:: Never eat breakfast O_o<br>Website:: Too many to name<br>Cartoon:: Looney Toons?<br>DO YOU<br>Play an instrument?:: A lot.<br>Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: Nah.<br>Like to sing?:: Yes<br>Have a job?:: Student<br>Have a cell phone?:: Yes<br>Like to play sports?:: Tennis sometimes<br>Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: My honey bunny Keith.<br>Have a crush on someone?:: See above<br>Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: No =(<br>Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: Exactly 5<br>Have any special talents/skills?:: Some<br>Excercise daily?:: Running<br>Like school?:: Depends what we are doing at school.<br>CAN YOU<br>Sing the alphabet backwards?::Yes. Ph34r my worthless skills.<br>Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: Of course.<br>Speak any other languages?:: Fluent Spanish.<br>Go a day without food?:: Yes<br>Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: Uh huh<br>Read music, not just tabs?:: Of course.<br>Roll your tongue?:: Yes<br>Eat a whole pizza?:: No<br>HAVE YOU EVER<br>Snuck out of the house?:: Once. <!--emo&:o--><img src=' ... s/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>Gotten lost in your city?:: A lot.<br>Seen a shooting star?:: Yep.<br>Had a serious surgery?:: Never even had a minor one.<br>Stolen something important to someone else?:: Their soul.<br>Solved a rubiks cube?:: One time I replaced the stickers on it so it LOOKED like a solved it. That's what a TRUE genius would do.<br>Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: A lot.<br>Cried over a girl?:: Yes.<br>Cried over a boy?:: Yes.<br>Kissed a random stranger?:: Always<br>Hugged a random stranger?:: Always<br>Been in a fist fight?:: Always<br>Been arrested?:: Always. (The last 4 are false, however).<br>Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Fun!<br>Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: Pssh. Yeah right.<br>Swore at your parents?:: All the time.<br>Been to warped tour?:: Nah.<br>Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: Yes!<br>Been in love?:: Currently<br>Been close to love?:: yeah<br>Been to a casino?:: Crap no<br>Ran over an animal and killed it?:: <!--emo&:o--><img src=' ... s/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo--> No<br>Broken a bone?:: Nope.<br>Gotten stitches?:: Yes, a few times.<br>Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: Nope. =(<br>Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: Almost.<br>Made homemade muffins?:: Yeah<br>Bitten someone?:: Of course.<br>Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: Never!<br>More than 5 times?:: We just went over this...<br>Been to niagra falls?:: I wish.<br>Burped in someones face?:: Disgusting! :X<br>Gotten the chicken pox?:: Who hasn't?<br>WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU<br>Brushed your teeth:: About 30 seconds ago. (not kidding)<br>Went to the bathroom:: About 30 seconds ago.<br>Saw a movie in theaters:: Um... Hide and Seek. So about less than one month ago.<br>Read a book:: Currently reading 3. =O<br>Had a snow day:: Never. =(<br>Had a slumber party:: Never.<br>Tripped in front of someone:: A few day ago<br>Went to the grocery store:: 2 days ago.<br>Got sick:: A few months ago.<br>Cursed:: Today.<br>PICK ONE<br>Fruit/vegetables:: Fruit.<br>Black/white:: Black.<br>Lights on/lights off:: Off.<br>TV/movie:: TV.<br>Car/truck:: Car.<br>Body spray/lotion:: Lotion<br>Cash/check:: Cash.<br>Pillows/blankets:: Blankets.<br>Headache/stomach ache:: Stomach ache.<br>Paint/charcoal:: Paint.<br>Chinese food/mexican food:: Chinese Food.<br>Summer/winter:: Winter.<br>Snow/rain:: SNOWSNOWSNOW<br>Fog/misty:: Misty's cool.<br>Rock/rap:: ROCK FOREVER \m/<br>Meat/vegetarian:: Vegetarian<br>Boy/girl:: Boys. Sometimes I have an odd girl moment though.<br>Chocolate/vanilla:: Vanilla. Chocolate sucks.<br>Sprinkles/icing:: Icing.<br>Cake/pie:: Cake.<br>French toast/french fries:: French Fries, always.<br>Strawberries/blueberries:: Strawberries.<br>Ocean/swimming pool:: Swimming Pool for swimming. Oceans for everything else involving water.<br>Hugs/kisses:: Hugs.<br>Cookies/muffins:: Muffins.<br>p33n/bewbz:: No goddamn way I'm answering this. I am straight, though.<br>Wallet/pocket:: Pocket.<br>Window/door:: Window.<br>Emo/goth:: Goth, I have to say<br>Pink/purple:: Purple. (I bet you anything Tavis will say pink)<br>Cat/dog:: Dog.<br>Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Short.<br>Pants/shorts:: Pants.<br>Winter break/spring break:: Winter, because it's longer.<br>Spring/autumn:: Autumn is badass.<br>Clouds/clear sky:: Clear with scattered clouds, yes.<br>Moon/mars:: Moon...<br>FRIENDSHIP<br>Do you have a best friend?:: Yes<br>Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: Both platonically and non-platonically.<br>Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: Girls.<br>Have you ever lost a friend?:: Both to death and moving.<br>Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: Yes.<br>Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: Will you marry me?<br>Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: Lots.<br>Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: Give them stuff, which I seem to do constantly.<br>Do you miss any of your old friends?:: Hell yes.<br>What friend have you known the longest?:: They all move away :-/<br>Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: Yes.<br>If so, what is it?:: Devoured their flesh with a razorblade smile.<br>How often do you spend time with your friends?:: At school or at parties.<br>Do any of your friends drive?:: Uh huh.<br>Has a friend of yours ever died?:: Yes. =(<br>Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: Got in an argument about how a cartoon character's voice sounded that ended up in physical violence. =-/<br>What do you think your friends think of you?:: A lot of them think I'm cute and nice. Kind of creepy, actually. (This is Kles' responce and is mine too).<br>Have you ever been in love?:: Yeah.<br>If you have, with who?:: Lots of people.<br>Are you single?:: No.<br>Are you in a relationship?:: Yes.<br>If so, for how long?:: Few months.<br>Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: Nah.<br>What is your idea of the best date?:: They just happen.<br>What was your first kiss like?:: Short and stupid.<br>How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: 12.<br>Do you think love is a load of shit?:: Depends on the love, but I'm not going to get all mushy.<br>Whats the best experiance you've ever had with the opposite sex?:: Not appropriate for here.<br>If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: Yes, but I'm not single.<br>Have you ever been dumped?:: Once, otherwise I did the dumping.<br>Have you ever dumped someone?:: Yes.<br>WORD ASSOCIATION<br>Slippers:: Pointless<br>Hat:: 3 cornered<br>Hard:: Penis.<br>Free:: Webspace<br>Space:: Outer Space.<br>Taste:: Alright<br>Good charlotte:: Okay<br>Red:: Blood of the innocent victims I have spilt. (just kidding!)<br>Deep:: Moving<br>Heart:: Human organ.<br>Cord:: USB.<br>Cheese:: Good<br>Rain:: Today<br>Work:: Money<br>Pedal:: Bike.<br>Head:: Not appropriate for here.<br>Bed:: Sleep!<br>Fluff:: Cotton.<br>Hardcore:: MEHTUL.<br>Race:: The Friday Night Races they used to have in Castle Infinity<br>Knife:: My only friend. (Just kidding!)<br>Jump:: Something to do to someone after school.<br>I....<br>am:: not blonde<br>want:: To travel<br>need:: Your face<br>crave:: Sour Creme and Onion Chips<br>love:: You<br>hate:: Pain.<br>did:: not!<br>feel:: canker sore =(<br>miss:: My friend Jamin.<br>am annoyed by:: Back pain.<br>would rather:: Be asleep.<br>am tired of:: Being awake.<br>will always:: Nothing is forever.<br>SILLY STUFF<br>What is your favourite genre of music?:: Symphonic Black MEHTUL.<br>What time is it now?:: 10:03 PM<br>What day is it?:: Lunes<br>Whens the last time you called someone?:: Sabado<br>How much money do you have right now?:: $50<br>Are you hungry?:: No.<br>Whatcha doin?:: This.<br>Do you like parades?:: No.<br>Do you like the moon?:: No more then the next girl.<br>Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: No!<br>If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Butterfly Effect.<br>Have you ever had a picnic?:: No.<br>Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: No.<br>What about sock em boppers?:: eh<br>Are you wearing any socks right now?:: No.<br>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE<br>funny?:: Sometimes.<br>pretty?:: A lot of people think so.<br>sarcastic?:: Very<br>lazy?:: Very<br>hyper?:: Sometimes<br>friendly?:: Often.<br>evil?:: Often<br>smart?:: Sometimes<br>strong?:: Pssh. No.<br>talented?:: I think so.<br>dorky?:: At times.<br>ASSOCIATE THESE WORDS WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW (or dont know)<br>high:: Jake.<br>skip:: Huh?<br>dance:: Michelle<br>lonely:: Becky<br>pen:: Anthony<br>flower:: Tarja<br>window:: Jose<br>psycho:: Jessica<br>brain freeze:: Me!<br>orange:: Tails<br>sassy:: Maki<br>jelly:: Ross<br>FOR OR AGAINST<br>suicide:: Against, since I have an alarming amount of suicidal friends.<br>love:: For!<br>drunk drivers:: Against.<br>airplanes:: For!<br>war:: Against.<br>canada:: For.<br>united states:: Against most of the time<br>rock music:: Hell yeah for.<br>gay marriage:: For.<br>school:: For I guess<br>surveys:: For.<br>parents:: For. Without them, you're no one..<br>cars:: For.<br>killing:: Against!<br>britney spears:: Against!<br>coffee:: AGAINST!<br>pants:: For.<br>WOULD YOU EVER<br>Sky dive?:: Hell yeah<br>Play strip poker?:: Yes. Hawt.<br>Run away?:: No.<br>Curse at a teacher?:: No.<br>Not take a shower for a week?:: No way.<br>Ask someone out?:: Yes<br>Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: No<br>Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: Might.<br>Go scuba diving?:: Hellll no.<br>Write a book?:: Perhaps.<br>Become a rockstar?:: I'm in a band!<br>LAST QUESTIONS<br>What shampoo do you use?:: Mane and Tail<br>Whens the last time you did something with the opposite sex?:: Today, had a conversation.<br>What kind of computer do you have?:: A white one.<br>What grade are you in?:: 14th<br>Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: Hell no.<br>Or just make out?:: Yes =)<br>How many posters do you have in your room?:: 6<br>How many cds do you have?:: 48, just for music.<br>What time is it now?:: Didn't you ask this already? 10:12 PM.<br>
Who sleeps shall awake, greeting the shadows from the sun
Who sleeps shall awake, looking through the window of our lives
Waiting for the moment to arrive...
Show us the silence in the rise,
So that we may someday understand...

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Postby Holyman83 » Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:21 am

sorry but that is too long for my taste

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Burning Sheep Productions
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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:27 am

That's the kind of thing you get in those emails your friends send to you and you fill out and send to all your friends, only about ten times longer...
Burning Sheep Productions

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Postby Supersmoke » Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:27 pm

ABOUT YOU<br>Your full name:: Initials: CVR<br>Age:: 18<br>Height:: 5'9<br>Natural hair colour:: brown<br>Eye colour:: brown/hazel<br>Number of siblings:: 1<br>Glasses/contacts?:: glasses<br>Piercings:: not yet<br>Tattoos:: not yet<br>Braces?:: nope<br>FAVOURITE<br>Colour:: green<br>Band:: Amon Amarth<br>Song:: Arson by Amon Amarth<br>Stuffed animal:: none<br>Video game:: Return to Castle Wolfenstein<br>TV show:: FLCL (when it was on TV)<br>Movie:: Army of Darkness<br>Book:: Either the His Dark Materials trilogy or The Talisman/The Black House by King and Straub.<br>Food:: sushi<br>Game on a cell phone:: h8 cell phones<br>CD cover:: Humanure by Cattle Decapitation<br>Flower:: Sunflower<br>Scent:: good cheese<br>Animal:: cat<br>Comic book:: Garfield and C&H<br>Cereal:: Cookie Crisp<br>Website:: my old RTCW demo clan site<br>Cartoon:: FLCL<br>DO YOU<br>Play an instrument?:: Yes - bass guitar<br>Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: I'd say like 10-15<br>Like to sing?:: In the car or in my room I sing along to my music<br>Have a job?:: lifeguard during the summer<br>Have a cell phone?:: Yes, regretfully<br>Like to play sports?:: No, but I have been a swimmer for 9 years<br>Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: Once. She was a sex fiend, thus we broke up.<br>Have a crush on someone?:: maybe<br>Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: negative<br>Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: nope, just 5<br>Have any special talents/skills?:: swimming and RTCW<br>Excercise daily?:: swimming every weekday<br>Like school?:: h8<br>Sing the alphabet backwards?:: meh<br>Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: no<br>Speak any other languages?:: dirty phrases in random languages<br>Go a day without food?:: nope<br>Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: yes<br>Read music, not just tabs?:: no, just tabs<br>Roll your tongue?:: what?<br>Eat a whole pizza?:: yes, a large one, too<br>HAVE YOU EVER<br>Snuck out of the house?:: yes<br>Gotten lost in your city?:: yes<br>Seen a shooting star?:: ddoes a meteor shower count?<br>Had a serious surgery?:: hernia, back of my head, mouth<br>Stolen something important to someone else?:: probably<br>Solved a rubiks cube?:: almost<br>Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: yes<br>Cried over a girl?:: hell no<br>Cried over a boy?:: i'd stab my face first<br>Kissed a random stranger?:: only if it happened subconsciously<br>Hugged a random stranger?:: probably<br>Been in a fist fight?:: yes<br>Been arrested?:: nope<br>Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: yes<br>Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: yes<br>Swore at your parents?:: yes<br>Been to warped tour?:: no<br>Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: yes<br>Been in love?:: no<br>Been close to love?:: no<br>Been to a casino?:: no<br>Ran over an animal and killed it?:: probably<br>Broken a bone?:: yes<br>Gotten stitches?:: many<br>Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: nope<br>Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: probably<br>Made homemade muffins?:: no<br>Bitten someone?:: several times<br>Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: no<br>More than 5 times?:: i said no<br>Been to niagra falls?:: yes<br>Burped in someones face?:: plenty of times<br>Gotten the chicken pox?:: yes<br>WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU<br>Brushed your teeth:: this morning<br>Went to the bathroom:: i took a big dump two periods ago<br>Saw a movie in theaters:: some scary movie that made me fall asleep<br>Read a book:: I finished Black House last night, now I'm reading Dreamcatcher<br>Had a snow day:: last tuesday<br>Had a slumber party:: 8th grade i think<br>Tripped in front of someone:: don't remember<br>Went to the grocery store:: last month<br>Got sick:: last few weeks<br>Cursed:: just now<br>PICK ONE<br>Fruit/vegetables:: fruit<br>Black/white:: white<br>Lights on/lights off:: on<br>TV/movie:: TV<br>Car/truck:: car<br>Body spray/lotion:: f that<br>Cash/check:: cash<br>Pillows/blankets:: blankets<br>Headache/stomach ache:: headache<br>Paint/charcoal:: paint<br>Chinese food/mexican food:: mexican<br>Summer/winter:: summer<br>Snow/rain:: rain<br>Fog/misty:: fog<br>Rock/rap:: rock. rap is teh suck<br>Meat/vegetarian:: meat<br>Boy/girl:: i do not understand the context of this question<br>Chocolate/vanilla:: vanilla<br>Sprinkles/icing:: icing<br>Cake/pie:: cake<br>French toast/french fries:: french fries<br>Strawberries/blueberries:: blue<br>Ocean/swimming pool:: ocean<br>Hugs/kisses:: dunno<br>Cookies/muffins:: cookies<br>p33n/bewbz:: boobs<br>Wallet/pocket:: wallet<br>Window/door:: window<br>Emo/goth:: goth<br>Pink/purple:: f that<br>Cat/dog:: cat<br>Long sleeve/short sleeve:: long sleeves<br>Pants/shorts:: pants<br>Winter break/spring break:: winter<br>Spring/autumn:: spring<br>Clouds/clear sky:: clear<br>Moon/mars:: moon<br>FRIENDSHIP<br>Do you have a best friend?:: more like several<br>Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: they're all guys, so I'd say hell no<br>Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: guys<br>Have you ever lost a friend?:: probably<br>Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: yes<br>Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: WHERE DOES THE MILK GO!?!?!<br>Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: yes<br>Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: many things<br>Do you miss any of your old friends?:: yes<br>What friend have you known the longest?:: dunno<br>Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: maybe<br>If so, what is it?:: don't remember<br>How often do you spend time with your friends?:: school time<br>Do any of your friends drive?:: yes<br>Has a friend of yours ever died?:: yes. 8th grade. Suicide.<br>Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: too many things to pick an extremely bad one<br>What do you think your friends think of you?:: quiet, but crazy<br>Have you ever been in love?:: you already asked me that you tard<br>If you have, with who?:: see above<br>Are you single?:: yes<br>Are you in a relationship?:: you ask bad questions<br>If so, for how long?:: christ on a bike<br>Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: believe is not a word i'd use<br>What is your idea of the best date?:: dinner, a movie, then sitting out under the stars or some such romantic crap like that <!--emo&:)--><img src=' ... /smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>What was your first kiss like?:: I was 6, so it meant nothing<br>How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: see above<br>Do you think love is a load of shit?:: depends on my view of humans<br>Whats the best experiance you've ever had with the opposite sex?:: beats me<br>If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: yes<br>Have you ever been dumped?:: dunno. she pulled the "we're on a break" thing<br>Have you ever dumped someone?:: no<br>WORD ASSOCIATION<br>Slippers:: w007!<br>Hat::EH?<br>Hard:: weiner<br>Free:: dom<br>Space:: comet<br>Taste:: fart<br>Good charlotte:: fake-punk-crap<br>Red:: no<br>Deep:: hehehehee<br>Heart:: h8<br>Cord:: computer<br>Cheese:: yum<br>Rain:: puddle<br>Work:: little<br>Pedal:: flower<br>Head:: :/<br>Bed:: sleep<br>Fluff:: BUNNY!<br>Hardcore:: meh<br>Race:: mary poppins<br>Knife:: h8<br>Jump:: the poopy<br>I....<br>am:: going to kill someone<br>want:: h8<br>need:: h8<br>crave:: h8<br>love:: h8<br>hate:: see above<br>did:: nothing<br>feel:: h8<br>miss:: nothing<br>am annoyed by:: cell phones<br>would rather:: be killing<br>am tired of:: Mike Parsons<br>will always:: full of h8<br>SILLY STUFF<br>What is your favourite genre of music?:: death MEHTUL<br>What time is it now?:: 12:56<br>What day is it?:: tuesday<br>Whens the last time you called someone?:: yesterday<br>How much money do you have right now?:: plenty<br>Are you hungry?:: always<br>Whatcha doin?:: h8<br>Do you like parades?:: no<br>Do you like the moon?:: no<br>Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: yes<br>If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: the power to make h8<br>Have you ever had a picnic?:: yes<br>Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: yes<br>What about sock em boppers?:: no<br>Are you weang any socks right now?:: yes<br>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE<br>funny?:: yes<br>pretty?:: eh?<br>sarcastic?:: ver<br>lazy?:: y<br>hyper?:: sometimes<br>friendly?:: sometimes<br>evil?:: yes<br>smart?:: probably<br>strong?:: ok<br>talented?:: maybe<br>dorky?:: yes<br>ASSOCIATE THESE WORDS WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW (or dont know)<br>high:: logan price<br>skip:: ?<br>dance:: crap<br>lonely:: the loser in the corner<br>pen:: ?<br>flower:: ?<br>window:: ?<br>psycho:: me<br>brain freeze:: ?<br>orange:: ?<br>sassy:: Ross<br>jelly:: ?<br>FOR OR AGAINST<br>suicide:: h8<br>love:: for<br>drunk drivers:: h8<br>airplanes:: for<br>war:: h8<br>canada:: h8<br>united states:: for<br>rock music:: for<br>gay marriage:: for<br>school:: h8<br>surveys:: h8<br>parents:: :/<br>cars:: for<br>killing:: for<br>britney spears:: h8*h8<br>coffee:: :/<br>pants:: h8<br>WOULD YOU EVER<br>Sky dive?:: yes<br>Play strip poker?:: yes<br>Run away?:: later<br>Curse at a teacher?:: yes<br>Not take a shower for a week?:: yes<br>Ask someone out?:: yes<br>Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: yes<br>Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: no<br>Go scuba diving?:: yes<br>Write a book?:: not yet<br>Become a rockstar?:: yes<br>LAST QUESTIONS<br>What shampoo do you use?:: Fructis<br>Whens the last time you did something with the opposite sex?:: talk to one of them<br>What kind of computer do you have?:: a self built one<br>What grade are you in?:: 12th<br>Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: yes<br>Or just make out?:: eh?<br>How many posters do you have in your room?:: none<br>How many cds do you have?:: many<br>What time is it now?:: 1:10<br><br>I wasted too much time on this.

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Postby Muninn » Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:03 pm

I wasted no time on this.<br><br>I didn't do it.

Joined:Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:49 am
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Postby Holyman83 » Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:26 pm

Your full name:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Age:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Height:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Natural hair colour:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Eye colour:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Number of siblings:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Glasses/contacts?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Piercings:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Tattoos:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Braces?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>FAVOURITE<br>Colour:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Band:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Song:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Stuffed animal:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Video game:: Rutabegas are cool<br>TV show:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Movie:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Book:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Food:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Game on a cell phone:: Rutabegas are cool <br>CD cover:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Flower:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Scent:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Animal:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Comic book:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Cereal:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Website:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Cartoon:: Rutabegas are cool<br>DO YOU<br>Play an instrument?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Like to sing?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have a job?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have a cell phone?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Like to play sports?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Have a crush on someone?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have any special talents/skills?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Excercise daily?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Like school?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>CAN YOU<br>Sing the alphabet backwards?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Speak any other languages?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Go a day without food?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Read music, not just tabs?:: Rutabegas are cool Of course.<br>Roll your tongue?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Eat a whole pizza?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>HAVE YOU EVER<br>Snuck out of the house?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Gotten lost in your city?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Seen a shooting star?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Had a serious surgery?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Stolen something important to someone else?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Solved a rubiks cube?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: Rutabegas are cool A lot.<br>Cried over a girl?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Cried over a boy?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Kissed a random stranger?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Hugged a random stranger?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Been in a fist fight?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Been arrested?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: Rutabegas are cool Swore at your parents?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Been to warped tour?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Been in love?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Been close to love?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Been to a casino?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Ran over an animal and killed it?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Broken a bone?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Gotten stitches?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Made homemade muffins?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Bitten someone?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>More than 5 times?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Been to niagra falls?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Burped in someones face?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Gotten the chicken pox?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU<br>Brushed your teeth:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Went to the bathroom:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Saw a movie in theaters:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Read a book:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Had a snow day:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Had a slumber party:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Tripped in front of someone:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Went to the grocery store:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Got sick:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Cursed:: Rutabegas are cool<br>PICK ONE<br>Fruit/vegetables:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Black/white:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Lights on/lights off:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>TV/movie:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Car/truck:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Body spray/lotion:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Cash/check:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Pillows/blankets:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Headache/stomach ache:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Paint/charcoal:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Chinese food/mexican food:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Summer/winter:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Snow/rain:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Fog/misty:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Rock/rap:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Meat/vegetarian:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Boy/girl:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Chocolate/vanilla:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Sprinkles/icing:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Cake/pie:: Rutabegas are cool <br>French toast/french fries:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Strawberries/blueberries:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Ocean/swimming pool:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Hugs/kisses:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Cookies/muffins:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>p33n/bewbz:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Wallet/pocket:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Window/door:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Emo/goth:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Pink/purple:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Cat/dog:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Pants/shorts:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Winter break/spring break:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Spring/autumn:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Clouds/clear sky:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Moon/mars:: Rutabegas are cool <br>FRIENDSHIP<br>Do you have a best friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have you ever lost a friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Do you miss any of your old friends?:: Rutabegas are cool Hell yes.<br>What friend have you known the longest?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>If so, what is it?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>How often do you spend time with your friends?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Do any of your friends drive?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Has a friend of yours ever died?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>What do you think your friends think of you?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have you ever been in love?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>If you have, with who?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Are you single?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Are you in a relationship?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>If so, for how long?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>What is your idea of the best date?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>What was your first kiss like?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Do you think love is a load of shit?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Whats the best experiance you've ever had with the opposite sex?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have you ever been dumped?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Have you ever dumped someone?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>WORD ASSOCIATION<br>Slippers:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Hat:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Hard:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Free:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Space:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Taste:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Good charlotte:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Red:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Deep:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Heart:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Cord:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Cheese:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Rain:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Work:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Pedal:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Head:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Bed:: Rutabegas are cool!<br>Fluff:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Hardcore:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Race:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Knife:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Jump:: Rutabegas are cool <br>am:: Rutabegas are cool <br>want:: Rutabegas are cool <br>need:: Rutabegas are cool <br>crave:: Rutabegas are cool <br>love:: Rutabegas are cool <br>hate:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>did:: Rutabegas are cool<br>feel:: Rutabegas are cool <br>miss:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>am annoyed by:: Rutabegas are cool<br>would rather:: Rutabegas are cool<br>am tired of:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>will always:: Rutabegas are cool<br>SILLY STUFF<br>What is your favourite genre of music?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>What time is it now?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>What day is it?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Whens the last time you called someone?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>How much money do you have right now?:: Rutabegas are cool $<br>Are you hungry?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Whatcha doin?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Do you like parades?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Do you like the moon?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Have you ever had a picnic?:: Rutabegas are cool No.<br>Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>What about sock em boppers?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Are you wearing any socks right now?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>DO YOU THINK YOU ARE<br>funny?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>pretty?:: Rutabegas are cool A lot of people think so.<br>sarcastic?:: Rutabegas are cool Very<br>lazy?:: Rutabegas are cool Very<br>hyper?:: Rutabegas are cool Sometimes<br>friendly?:: Rutabegas are cool Often.<br>evil?:: Rutabegas are cool Often<br>smart?:: Rutabegas are cool Sometimes<br>strong?:: Rutabegas are cool Pssh. No.<br>talented?:: Rutabegas are cool I think so.<br>dorky?:: Rutabegas are cool At times.<br>ASSOCIATE THESE WORDS WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW (or dont know)<br>high:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>skip:: Rutabegas are cool<br>dance:: Rutabegas are cool <br>lonely:: Rutabegas are cool <br>pen:: Rutabegas are cool <br>flower:: Rutabegas are cool <br>window:: Rutabegas are cool <br>psycho:: Rutabegas are cool <br>brain freeze:: Rutabegas are cool!<br>orange:: Rutabegas are cool <br>sassy:: Rutabegas are cool <br>jelly:: Rutabegas are cool <br>FOR OR AGAINST<br>suicide:: Rutabegas are cool<br>love:: Rutabegas are cool<br>drunk drivers:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>airplanes:: Rutabegas are cool<br>war:: Rutabegas are cool<br>canada:: Rutabegas are cool<br>united states:: Rutabegas are cool <br>rock music:: Rutabegas are cool <br>gay marriage:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>school:: Rutabegas are cool <br>surveys:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>parents:: Rutabegas are cool <br>cars:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>killing:: Rutabegas are cool<br>britney spears:: Rutabegas are cool<br>coffee:: Rutabegas are cool<br>pants:: Rutabegas are cool<br>WOULD YOU EVER<br>Sky dive?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Play strip poker?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Run away?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Curse at a teacher?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Not take a shower for a week?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Ask someone out?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Go scuba diving?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Write a book?:: Rutabegas are cool.<br>Become a rockstar?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>LAST QUESTIONS<br>What shampoo do you use?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Whens the last time you did something with the opposite sex?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>What kind of computer do you have?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>What grade are you in?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: Rutabegas are cool<br>Or just make out?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>How many posters do you have in your room?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>How many cds do you have?:: Rutabegas are cool <br>What time is it now?:: Rutabegas are cool <br><br>by the way their are 270 questions

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Dr. Doog
Joined:Sat Nov 08, 2003 2:26 am
Location:North Carolina

Postby Dr. Doog » Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:55 pm

holyman, you had a lot of free time.
pants jesus
DCS should've ended the comic a year or two ago.

Moderator (retired)
Joined:Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:16 pm

Postby Zaaphod » Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:28 am

My answers are the same as Holyman's. <!--emo&:P--><img src=' ... tongue.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tongue.gif' /><!--endemo--><br>
Made by Angela. :D

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