General Poetry

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General Poetry

Postby Arloest » Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:53 pm

Graphic art isn't the only way to express oneself (and in a lot of cases many of us aren't able to express ourselves in such a way.) I seldom draw; however, I write a lot.

Poetry has always intrigued me, and although I in no way consider myself a modern day Yeats or Auden, I like to delve into trimeters and tetrameters from time to time. So I wanted to create a poetry topic that everyone could contribute to. I thought it'd be interesting.

This is my most recent poem, which I hope you won't think sucks.

The Sun Sets On Dover

The sun sets on Dover
It’s time for us to go,
To bustle in the streets,
Amongst our friends and foes.

Tainted equilibrium
A straggler lags behind,
Sipping stale whiskey,
He speaks of the end of times.

White noise from the radio
The ticking of the clock
The scent of fetid cheer,
Who can believe the talk?

Pages of childhood dreams
Evolving through the years,
Acrylic nails on satin
And a pool of faded tears.

For the castles in the sand
And the dragons in the tide,
The ruthless crescent above
Conquers our final shrines.

Three cheers for the masquerade
For the holidays draw near,
A time of rest and pleasure
What could we possibly fear?

Some five blocks down the way
A playground ball lies still,
Abandoned by the light
Night shrouds its thriving will.

Orange streaks of twilight,
The blood of a dying day,
Elongates its shadows,
And calls its life away.
Who sleeps shall awake, greeting the shadows from the sun
Who sleeps shall awake, looking through the window of our lives
Waiting for the moment to arrive...
Show us the silence in the rise,
So that we may someday understand...

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Re: General Poetry

Postby Segovia » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:01 pm

Loved it Angela! ^^

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Re: General Poetry

Postby cougartiger » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:14 pm

Liked it! :grin:

Of course, this makes me want to post my poem The Pirate's Tale. But it's almost 4 and a half pages long and I'm worried that might be too much for this topic. :sad:
My Deviant Art page, home of my epic biography of Captain Lucius Locke, The Pirate's Tale.
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Re: General Poetry

Postby sad jazz cantaloupe » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:42 pm

just link it
Apologies to everyone. Except Fritz.
First of all, Fritz, do yourself a favor and research your own answers before you post.

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Re: General Poetry

Postby cougartiger » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:24 am

Technically, it already is as it's on my DA account. But, here's a direct link: ... -108104371
My Deviant Art page, home of my epic biography of Captain Lucius Locke, The Pirate's Tale.
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Re: General Poetry

Postby LewisTheTank » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:19 am

Just so happens I was going to show off some of my poetry!
I guess I was just too slow on the draw. Oh well!
(DAMN good poem though!)
"Do you really think you have what it takes? Do you?"

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Re: General Poetry

Postby cougartiger » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:51 pm

So I wanted to create a poetry topic that everyone could contribute to. I thought it'd be interesting.
Nothing to stop you from posting your poetry. As noted above, that's what this thread is for.
My Deviant Art page, home of my epic biography of Captain Lucius Locke, The Pirate's Tale.
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Re: General Poetry

Postby LewisTheTank » Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:43 pm

Well, this is but one of them, I hope you like it:

Now you've all heard the story
Of the famous man called Simple Simon?
Well I'm here, in half my glory
To share some events before the pie man!

You see, he was a wealthy man
His fortune was derived from a will;
His parents managed to devise a plan
To replace a strange but powerful pill!

They were really quite on the ball
The whole world was tired of terrible hair,
So into each and every store and mall
Their cure sold fast and removed all despair!

See, they owned a grove of willow trees
Which went on for quite a few miles,
In the middle of this grove we see
A river of water very deep, just like the Nile.

Into a bottle it went, it wasn't hard,
And sold each one as "Hair Tonic Supreme";
Each bottle had it's very own card:
"Hair Tonic Supreme! Use it, look like a dream!"

So now you know about Simon's past
Before he met the famous pie man;
He was quite a figure, isn't that a blast?
And to merely buy a pie, that was his plan!

"Do you really think you have what it takes? Do you?"

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Re: General Poetry

Postby LewisTheTank » Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:54 am

Just in case that wasn't good for you, try this little song I wrote to the REAL music of "No Rain" by Blind Melon. (I do this all the time):

(No Brain) No Pain:

Sometimes I wish that I just had a brain
Then I would have feeling in life again!
All I got is this numbness in my head,
I may as well be dead,
Where is the pain? Miss the pain!
All I need is just some gray matter
Then my nerves would be quite busy.
My mind will have something to do, ya know?
Can you help me with this dilemma?
I don't understand where my brain may have gone,
It just seems wrong that there's no pain!
All I can do is pretend I feel a pinch,
With a tiny slap at me, fake a flinch...
...A flinch... A flinch... A flinch...
All I can say is I need to feel some pain,
You know my name is Lew,
And I have no pain....
...Have no pain...
...Have no pain...

"Do you really think you have what it takes? Do you?"

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Re: General Poetry

Postby cougartiger » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:22 am

EDIT: Decided to just put the whole thing in one post. Not that anyone's reading it anyway.



Once upon a time, in another world,
I was born in the usual way.
Although you must now be told that here we start life old, become young,
then return once again to where we had begun.

My life began as normal for us.
I grew young and came to see that my father's life as a pirate was not for me.
'Twas a lawyer I wanted to be.
Untill one fateful day when my pirate father left on a voyage at sea.
I thought nothing of this, it's always been this way.
One day, I received a letter from my brother saying, "Our father has been murdered.
You must avenge him for the sake of our mother. I cannot as I will be married soon.
But you really have nothing better to do."

I protested but deep down knew that this was indeed the right thing to do.
I gathered a crew and after my father's ship we flew.
A fierce battle ensued! My father's killer and I faced each other with cutalsses
drawn. When all was done, the day was won, my father avenged. I now knew I had a new job to do. I would sail the seas with my pirate crew!

Time passed and my reputation grew.
Often we would hear the cry, "It's the Dread Pirate Locke and his crew!"
Merciless were we. The most feared pirates of all the seas!


One day while looking around I found an entrance to another world.
I emerged through a couch where a friendly dragon greeted me.
"Hello!", he said. "Care for some tea?"
We talked some the dragon and I then he said, "Come with me there's someone I want you to see."

To a library we went, where the dragon introduced me
to the prettiest girl I ever did see!
She was cold at first but soon warmed to me.
Over the next few months, our love grew and I made a vow.
"No more pirate's life for me! Here is where I'll live and stay."
I had decided to marry the fair Stephanie. However, one day
she explained to me, in this world they age in the another way. Starting young and becoming old. Just once around and never again.
This stunned me. How can this be? To finally find love and not have her age
with me?

No sooner than I heard this news than I received word from my crew.
An overdue voyage at sea could not be completed without me.
I vowed to my love, "I'll return and then we'll see if we cannot still be together, you and me."
She cried and said, "In my heart you'll always be. Be careful while you are away at sea."

I left and returned to my crew. I was much different, much changed.
A pirate's life I no longer wanted to do.


Then, one fateful night, a violent storm changed everything.
I was thrown about and cracked my skull. My crew thought me dead.
Not so! I still lived with though with a MEHTUL plate now in my head. My memory was scattered. I did not remember my time with the fair Stephanie.
Except for an image of a pretty girl in my head.

Who was she? Why does she haunt me? Why does she seem to mean so much to me?
So, once I recovered, we began a new quest.
One to answer the questions causing me so much distress.

But, alas, I had only the image in my head.
That is not much with which to begin.
Nor did I remember that my Pretty Girl was not in my world to be found.

As time went on, I grew younger and with my memory still faulty, her image slowly faded from me.
I became a pirate once again. Somewhat happy yet somewhat sad.
Sometimes crying for a life I felt I once had.


One day, quite by chance, I found my way back to the world of my Stephanie.
I remembered nothing. Not a thing. But seeing her caused a bell to ring.
Her daughter told me she was mine.
A first, I protested, though in my heart I knew it was true.
Finally I told my daughter "Yeah, OK. I love you too."

Stephanie and I looked at each other awkardly. She still an adult and I
resembling a mere child. She told me with tears, that now we cold never be.

I returned to my world once again sad. What had happened to the life I once had?
My memory was jarred. I remembered vaguely things once important to me.
I then knew, that to be truly happy, I had to regain the life lost to me.

I sailed to the far ends of my world. Seeking to return to the adult I once was. Onward we sailed, seeking out even the silliest rumor. As time went on, my hope dimmed. Then it happened! We learned from an ancient dragon, of one like me who had succeeded in doing what I sought.

The dragon told us that what I sought could only be found in the castle of the darkest and most evil dragon around. Onward we sailed to this dragon's lair! Once there we saw, the dragon had surrounded himself with all manner of potions. The dragon did not attack but said his potions were only for those willing to pay the price. The lives of my crew he said, would make him very glad.

I talked at length to the beast about how I would murder my crew. His interest drew him closer untill he realized too late, that he had sealed his own fate. Into his neck I plunged my cutlass, severing his head, making him dead.

Now it was over, I searched the potions through and through. After many hours for both me and my crew, we did indeed find the one that would do. Drinking the potion made me grow till I was once again what I had been.


Swiftly I returned to the other world. My heart and mind racing. How delighted she would be to know that together we could finally be!
Upon returning to the home of my pretty girl, I was startled to see, a sight that shocked and angered me!

The dragon who had once been so nice to me, had stolen the heart of my Stephanie!
I watched them kiss and hug. Laugh and talk.
My legs grew weak. I could no longer walk.

How could this be? How could my pretty girl betray me!
As I listened to them, it got even worse.
They were planning to marry!

Finally just when I could stand it no more, I heard Stephanie call out to me.
She walked slowly to where I stood. Then just stared at me, as if seeing a ghost.
"Lucius?" she said. "This cannot be. I thought you long gone. Lost to me"
"Not true", I replied. "You have no idea what I've had to do to return in this form to you."

The dragon said he would leave us alone to talk.
But instead we just stood and stared. Not sure what to do.
Finally, I took her in my arms and kissed her. She did not resist but returned it passionately.
We then went inside and sat and talked.

She told of how she became friends with the dragon and how their love then grew.
When she was done, I started to speak. But my words stuck in throat, and instead, I just cried.
Finally, I managed to get out, "I came back for you. Nothing matters more.
Than having a life together, me and you."

We sat in silence, which was broken by our daughter running into the room.
Upon seeing me she screamed with delight.
And gave me the tightest hug I've ever had in my life.
Millie then turned to her mom and said, "Are you going to marry dad now, instead?"

Stephanie said nothing. She just shrugged. Then said, "I don't know what to do."
Millie replied, "When you said you were going to marry Ozy's dad, I liked that idea OK.
But now that dad's here, I no longer feel that way. I've always wanted us
to be a real family. You say my opinion matters to you, is that still true?"

"Of course" says Stephanie. "But what about me?
Can I not be with the one who makes me truly happy?"
"Once", I said, "That was me. Give me some time. Then you'll see that your heart still belongs to me."

She agreed. As did the dragon.
With that, I began courting her anew.
I was as romantic as could be, trying hard to sweep her off her feet.
Finally, I asked her to be mine. To my surprise, she readily agreed!

We agreed that with so much time between us lost, we would be married immediately. The dragon who had stolen my Stephanie, said he wanted to make amends with me. Said he,"Something you may not know, is a minister I am. Although it's been some time, I can still perform a marriage ceremony.
Let me marry you two as it's the least I can do."
To this, we both agreed.

On a beautiful spring day, we were married. The two of us had finally become one.


A little over a year later, we welcomed another daughter into our family. We named her Cassidy.
"Great!" said MIllie. "Someone to get in trouble with me!"
We laughed and were not surprised that as our new child grew,
Millie seemed to love her even more than we do.

The years passed quickly and happily. We added two more children to our family.
Another daughter and a son, Cordelia and Lucius II. Then we felt we were done.

I had long retired from the life of a pirate and became the lawyer I once aspired to be.
Stephanie most enjoyed working with me.
In time, Millie and Cassidy both joined our lawyerly crew.

Many years later, we retire and leave our law firm. Run now by our children and
led by Millie who now has her own family.

One day, my pretty girl gives me a gift, a beautiful sailboat with
which to once again sail the seas.
My Stephanie and I make plans to travel the world and see everything we could see.
But one day, while preparing for our trip, our doctor announces:
"Postone that journey! Parents one more time you'll be!"

We welcome one more son and both agree
that he is better than our planned journey!

In time Alexander grows and also joins the Family Firm.
Now Stephanie and I can finally have our world journey.
We set sail and I am so very happy to once again be at sea.
We return years later. Tired but very happy.

My pretty girl and I then spend the rest of our days telling our stories.
Which are the highlight at family gatherings.
Our grandchildren make us tell them again and again.
We don't mind. It's what we love to do.

Then one day my love leaves on that final journey without me.
The days are now long and hard.
I feel sad and weary.


My children attempt to comfort me. How can they when half my soul
has been taken from me?

But I go on for them. And some happiness from me is had.
Finally, I too leave this life behind. Surrounded by my family
who have gathered to see me on.

I close my eyes and when I open them again,
it is my Stephanie who I see before me.
"Lucius!", she says. "It's about time you got here! I've been expecting you for over a year!"
"Sorry", I say. "Our family kept begging me to stay."

"No matter", she says. Then kisses me tenderly.
I rise and upon hearing music say, "My dear will you dance with me?"
"Yes, my captain. Lead the way."

So, we dance my Stephanie and I. To heavenly music made just for us.
As we dance, she says to me, "There is something I must tell you.
I loved Lewellyn that much is true. But I was never IN love with him as I am with you"

I laugh and tell her that much any fool could see. I always knew she would choose me.
She rests her head on my chest and says, quietly, "Now this place truly feels like heaven to me."

My story is now done. There is no more to tell.
I am content to be here. Spending eternity with my love.
We are finally together once again.
And ever more.
Last edited by cougartiger on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Deviant Art page, home of my epic biography of Captain Lucius Locke, The Pirate's Tale.
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Re: General Poetry

Postby cougartiger » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:33 am

Last edited by cougartiger on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Deviant Art page, home of my epic biography of Captain Lucius Locke, The Pirate's Tale.
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Re: General Poetry

Postby cougartiger » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:33 am

Last edited by cougartiger on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
My Deviant Art page, home of my epic biography of Captain Lucius Locke, The Pirate's Tale.
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Re: General Poetry

Postby cougartiger » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:35 am

BTW, Lewis, I like them both. :smile:
My Deviant Art page, home of my epic biography of Captain Lucius Locke, The Pirate's Tale.
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Re: General Poetry

Postby Muninn » Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:13 am

That was very evocative Angela.

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Re: General Poetry

Postby simon » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:47 am

Corporal Limerick reporting for duty sir. Major Haiku is on his way sir.

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