News • Forums • Telegram Group • Ozy & Millie
“Millie Presents Ways to Get Out of Doing Work #1: If your excuse is incoherent enough, people won't ask any questions: Mr. Larnblatt, I promise I would have practiced, but I really had to reconfigure the most recent styrofoam grapefruit. ”
Updated: 2016-01-16
It may have taken two years but gosh darn it the forums are back up, why not check them out?
Updated: 2014-09-27
Welcome to Define Cynical, the unofficial fan forums of the Ozy and Millie webcomic. We're undergoing some maintainence at the moment but should be back with at least a read-only version of the forums in a couple of weeks time. In the meantime, why not check out our very active IRC channel over on SpicyLemons, #definecynical, this can be accessed via your IRC client or the provided web client, so why not click the IRC Channel link above to find out more details.
And of course, why not check out the comic itself over at while you wait as well?