Post Your Dreams

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Post Your Dreams

Postby Fritz » Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:04 am

I really love hearing about other peoples' dreams. They're super interesting and oftentimes surreal and wacky. Post them here and we can all have a laugh and perhaps some amateur psychologists can analyze them for us.

Here's one taken from my LJ:
Last night I dreamt Rush Limbaugh was staying at my house for some reason and I smoked weed with him because I was already on meds that were pretty much made out of weed so I figured why not. Note that this is the second dream I've had with Rush Limbaugh in it.
e: this is a SERIOUS thread

e: another good one from the LJ:
Okay so I was just napping and had a really weird dream. I then decided to describe that dream to Andrew over AIM, but then I realized I was dreaming again and woke up, but I was so tired that fell right back asleep again without knowing it. Then went to Andrew's house (in my dream) and described that dream again, along with funny situation that went with it. But then realized I was STILL dreaming and woke up again. Still being tired, I fell asleep again and this time Andrew came to me. I was describing the dream (and both occurrences of that weird situation) to him at the food court in the mall when Angela somehow IMs me RIGHT THERE and asks me if I'm at the mall and I say yeah I am. Then out of pantsless nowhere she sits down next to me and Andrew and I start retelling that original dream. Of course right after that I woke up again and thought to myself "I'm not letting this happen again, getting up FOR REAL now." So here I am. I hope I'm really awake this time.
Last edited by Fritz on Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Arloest » Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:18 am

I'm trying really hard to recollect one I had recently.

I had a hardcore dream about a month ago that seemed extremely realistic. I only remember one major part of the dream now, but it was the most significant part to be certain.

I was at home with my mom, and she had this kid with her. She told me to look after him for the day, bring him to college with me, and come right home afterwards. I agreed.

I can't remember what happened at the college anymore, but on the way home I thought it'd be fun to take a detour to Astroworld, a park in Houston that doesn't exist anymore (in real life). We were SUPPOSED to come right home, but I figured a few rides wouldn't hurt. But in my dream it was alive and well. So we went, and it was kinda... weird. It was a lot darker than I had remembered. Not dark as in dim lighting, but dark as in ominous. But we went on this ride called the Dungeon Drop. And when we got to the top, the cars started flailing wildly and falling off the tower. I braced for death.

This is where people usually wake up in their dreams, or their dream changes to something completely different. I didn't do either. I died.

And I was an invisible ghost, or something. I remember I was at my house, and my parents were there... they were just really quiet. They didn't say anything. I tried to communicate with them, talk to them, but no matter what I did they couldn't hear me. Then they just left.

I decided to go out to the front porch for some reason, and I saw a newspaper that they had evidently dropped on the ground. It mentioned a horrible accident that had happened at Astroworld, and listed all the people who had died. I was on that list, and so was the kid.

The really scary thing about this dream was that it felt _SO DAMN REAL_. I really thought I was dead. I really thought that I'd have to live with gut-wrenching guilt for, like, eternity or something. And I'd never be able to talk to any of my friends or family ever again, but I'd be able to witness their sadness and disappointment.

These thoughts sent me into kind of a nervous breakdown, and THEN I woke up.

I don't believe I had ever been so elated to wake up in my bed in my entire life. I actually got up and kissed the floor. I was in a... really weird place, long after waking up, even.
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Postby datherman » Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:20 am

I rarely ever remember my dreams, which is kinda a shame as I'm sure I've had some interesting ones.
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Postby Comrade K » Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:52 am

This is from way back in my LJ.
Giving descriptions of my strange dreams seems as good a way as any to start off this journal.

So anyway, last week I had a TRIPLE ENTENTE of strange dreams. The first two occurred Monday night, and the third Tuesday night. Now, for me, even remembering my dreams is unusual, and having three in two nights is unheard of.

So, Dream #1:

I start out standing in the field near my house, surrounded by what appear to be Amish people who are farming the land. Suddenly, from the forest behind the field, a load of infected (like the kind from 28 Days Later) swarmed out, and began chasing myself and the "Amish" into the garage (It's a separate building from the house). Inside, strangely, there was a village in the rafters, with a retractable ladder leading to it. Paradoxically, the village seemed life size, but at the same time, the garage seemed no bigger than usual. The ladder was withdrawn before I, and some others could ascend, leaving us exposed to the infected. I shouted and screamed at the village to lower the ladder to no avail, but it didn't matter, as the infected never arrived. After, when the threat seemed to have passed, the ladder was finally lowered, allowing me access to the village (the others with me just "ceased to exist"). An Aboriginal chief came to greet me as I ascended. And that's as far as that dream went.

Dream #2 was the most coherent and realistic of the three, but it had a twist.

Nothing really "developed" - the setting and situation never changed. Anyway, I was standing in an empty field, in the prairies - there was nothing but grass as far as I could see - and around me there were holes populated by pikas or some such small rodent, and I was trying to catch and eat them. The twist: I was a coyote.

Dream #3 wins the bizarre award.

I started out in the Saudi Desert, in endless dunes, between three simple three-storie rectangular brick buildings organized in a "U" shape. In the courtyard between them, I was among hundreds of people celebrating something. Then, out of nowhere, terrorists attacked with RPGs (I knew this somehow without actually seeing anything but the rockets) and the rockets slammed into the buildings around me. I was hit a number of times, but when I was hit, the situation briefly turned to one where I was being hit by small fireworks, not RPGs, and would then revert back. During the attack, everyone simply ceased to be there. In a split second, everything went from a chaos of people trying to avoid rockets, to me standing alone in the sand, wondering where the others had gone. Seeing no other options, I ran into the desert, and came to a forest.
At this time, I felt as though the terrorists were looking for me, adding a sense of urgency to the dream. So I made my way into the forest, and climbed a small hill, where I could observe a village of indigenous people (a strange combination of Native American and Arab) in a valley. I stayed and spied for a while, until my old whitewater guide and highschool teacher Mark showed up. The two of us sneaked into the town, and into one of the shacks. Noting the absence of any inhabitants within the shack, I deduced that they had been "taken" by some malevolent group, like the Thought Police or some such. The hovel was quite modern on the inside, albeit cramped.
We searched the building a little, until Mark knocked something over, which we felt may have alerted this malevolent group to our presence, prompting us to flee from the back exit. We found ourselves at a small ridge, that was slightly too high to climb. This is the point where the entire context abruptly changed.
Now I was behind my own house, even though the ridge remained, (there is no such ridge behind my house), and I was now running from guards of some sort. I had the distinct feeling I was trying to protect someone important up ahead. As the guards closed, I turned to confront them, and proceeded to dispatch them with an SKS carbine rifle that I acquired from no apparent source. After this, an evil, witch-like woman appeared, and I had the intuitive feeling that she was somehow the source of my problems, but shortly after her arrival, I awoke.

That's my strange little trilogy.

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Postby Trance » Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:17 pm

The really scary thing about this dream was that it felt _SO DAMN REAL_. I really thought I was dead. I really thought that I'd have to live with gut-wrenching guilt for, like, eternity or something. And I'd never be able to talk to any of my friends or family ever again, but I'd be able to witness their sadness and disappointment.
But don't just about all of people's dreams seem real while they're dreaming it? Part of the dream I had last night involved me jumping out of a tree for what seemed like a perfectly valid reason at the time and breaking my legs. In the dream it was completely believable; I thought I was going to have to drag myself to a hospital with my arms because every other human being in the dream vanished at the moment of leg-break. Basically every one of my weird dreams had made sense inside the made-up scenario of the dream.

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Postby Angstwolf » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:18 pm

First one is a dream about the end of the world.
You're probably thinking that a dream about the end of the world would be negative and frightening, but it wasn't. It was incredibly peaceful. Basically, there was a giant meteor about to crash into the earth. Everyone knew what was happening, and I'm sure there were people panicking and looting, but a friend and I had simply gone to a quiet, out of the way hill to look over everything and talk about life. (The identity of the friend isn't really important, because I think that he simply represented all of my loved ones.) We sat on the hill for hours, watching as the meteor drew ever closer to its destination, discussing times past. When the meteor was close enough that we could clearly see all its details (and this part went by unrealistically slowly), we stood up and my friend said with a half-smile, "here it is." We stood there silently for a few more moments, watching as the meteor entered the atmosphere. There was a flash of light, but no sound.

Then the dream ended.
And the second one (about zombies) is like 2,200 words long, so I'll just link to it:

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Postby Arloest » Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:41 pm

The really scary thing about this dream was that it felt _SO DAMN REAL_. I really thought I was dead. I really thought that I'd have to live with gut-wrenching guilt for, like, eternity or something. And I'd never be able to talk to any of my friends or family ever again, but I'd be able to witness their sadness and disappointment.
But don't just about all of people's dreams seem real while they're dreaming it? Part of the dream I had last night involved me jumping out of a tree for what seemed like a perfectly valid reason at the time and breaking my legs. In the dream it was completely believable; I thought I was going to have to drag myself to a hospital with my arms because every other human being in the dream vanished at the moment of leg-break. Basically every one of my weird dreams had made sense inside the made-up scenario of the dream.
It might just be me, but a good number of my dreams seem only semi-real. It's kind of hard to describe, but it's sort of like lucid dreaming, in that you know that you're probably dreaming... except you don't have any control over what happens. This happens to me a lot.
Who sleeps shall awake, greeting the shadows from the sun
Who sleeps shall awake, looking through the window of our lives
Waiting for the moment to arrive...
Show us the silence in the rise,
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Postby Chris » Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:45 pm

I cant really recall my dreams that much, 70% of it is just dejavu moments... But, there's one particular dream that got burned in my head forever. Especially since it came true in real life..

The really scary thing about this dream was that it felt _SO DAMN REAL_. I really thought I was dead. I really thought that I'd have to live with gut-wrenching guilt for, like, eternity or something. And I'd never be able to talk to any of my friends or family ever again, but I'd be able to witness their sadness and disappointment.
But don't just about all of people's dreams seem real while they're dreaming it? Part of the dream I had last night involved me jumping out of a tree for what seemed like a perfectly valid reason at the time and breaking my legs. In the dream it was completely believable; I thought I was going to have to drag myself to a hospital with my arms because every other human being in the dream vanished at the moment of leg-break. Basically every one of my weird dreams had made sense inside the made-up scenario of the dream.
This also happened to me, i strangely jumped from a 100ft tree. But it has a weird twist. When i was about to hit the ground, the game menu of the game i usually play suddenly pops out of nowhere then my mom suddenly said "You play this game too much" then i looked back to her. Thus saving my life.. But, i seriously felt the feeling of falling from that tree. I actually woked up somewhat in pain...

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Postby Fritz » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:54 pm

So last night I dreamed that I was at my college audition except I forgot to take the basic musicianship test in the morning and shit got really pants up. Yeah.

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Postby Burning Sheep Productions » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:25 pm

I can relate to Arloest's dream quite well. I wouldn't be surprised if I've had one very similar.
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Postby MuffinSticks » Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:50 pm

Fritz says he had a dream that him and a bunch of his friends caught his statistics teacher looking at furry porn, and it got put up on "some big jumbatron thing" in front of a bunch of teachers. I assume he means a document projector.

<Muninn> Too furry for saneville, too girly for boystown
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Postby osprey » Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:30 am

Or possibly his school has a really nice gymnasium.
OK. pants it. I lied. It's drum and bass. What you gonna do?

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Postby Doc Sigma » Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:40 pm

I dreamed that I was on The Amazing Race, with Angela as my partner. We were billed as "business rivals". Whenever we arrived at a pit stop, instead of doing what normal contestants do (hug, high five, dance around, do nothing, etc), we'd turn away from each other and do that "fist tap" thing without looking at each other.

Unfortunately I don't remember many details, except that one of the pit stops was a place called Paradise Plaza.

I'll try to continue the dream tonight, or have it over again from the beginning, because it seemed kinda cool.

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Postby Extreme-Speed » Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:27 pm

I had a dream, where everyone (from my school?) was sitting/standing on a patch of cement outside my school, where people normally play basketball. But instead of playing basketball, we were watching a film that was being played on a TV. When the film ended, everyone got up and went inside, but I sat there for a while. Then a person from my school, named Mack, walked up to me and kicked me in the knee. So I jumped up and kicked him in the stomach.

I woke up, and my foot hurt. It turned out that I had actually kicked a hole in the wall, large enough to put my hand straight in. And I was barefoot. Dang that hurt.

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Postby Segovia » Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:14 pm

I had a dream where I became the next pope by drinking holy water from this sacred bowl.

What the hell did I eat?

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