If anyone's played Bioshock...

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Steve the Pocket
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If anyone's played Bioshock...

Postby Steve the Pocket » Sun May 10, 2009 3:09 am


...you'll know that the Little Sisters stop actually being as creepy as they're probably supposed to pretty early on in the game. Maybe this will help.

Added bonus: coincidentally, the typeface I used for the caption is a font called Love Ya Like A Sister.

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A dude named Vince
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Postby A dude named Vince » Sun May 10, 2009 3:28 am

I remember seeing the Little Sisters for the first time, and being only slightly less scared of them then the Big Daddies. I never really even played the game for more than an hour at a time, and I heard it got less scary as you went along (One game that didn't do that was Doom 3 *shudder*). Still, nice cartoony interpertation of the Little Sister, it really convey's their character while remaining somehow cartoonishly cute.
Like Shredder emerging from the ooze, I've returned for a while!
Gary's mod?

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Postby The MAZZTer » Sun May 10, 2009 3:42 am

Don't Little Sisters have a more "zombie-ish" look? Nice never-the-less. :)

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Postby MuffinSticks » Sun May 10, 2009 5:54 am

They didn't scare me. I ripped those fuсkin worm things right outta their... brains?.. Stomachs?.. Colons?

<Muninn> Too furry for saneville, too girly for boystown
see, how far raine dog got placed in the background? take that you blue bitch

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Postby The MAZZTer » Sun May 10, 2009 2:04 pm

I rescue them all, your heartless beast! :(

(Not like it's a hard decision, you get rewards for doing it periodically which pretty much even out with the extra adam you'd get otherwise.)

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Postby Baconsticks » Tue May 12, 2009 3:32 am

First time I played it through, I sacrificed all the little sisters. I had a shitload of ADAM.

(second time though, I saved them all)

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Postby MuffinSticks » Tue May 12, 2009 3:42 am

Nah, you get 20 more adam (IIRC) if you sacrifice them as opposed to saving them and taking the extra adam from the teddy bear. The plasmids in the teddy bears suck balls.

<Muninn> Too furry for saneville, too girly for boystown
see, how far raine dog got placed in the background? take that you blue bitch

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Steve the Pocket
Joined:Wed May 19, 2004 10:04 pm

Postby Steve the Pocket » Tue May 12, 2009 7:09 pm

280 ADAM in all, according to the fan wiki -- not even enough to buy the level 3 Incinerate and Winter Blast plasmids. Once I realized the Chemical Thrower does both of those jobs effectively, and you practically trip over ammo for it wherever you go, I was able to get through without ever using those plasmids.

If anything, I don't think there's a big enough gameplay difference based on the Little Sisters. I would have suggested that the "good" route favor a less brute-force, more patient approach to winning, by giving you significantly less ADAM but providing tonics like Scrounger, Photographer's Eye, and Prolific Inventor.

I've heard this was one of the major complaints they received and one of the big things they're trying to correct in the sequel. I wish them luck.

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